What Your Anger Is Trying To Tell You & How to Release It
Every person has felt anger at some point in their life. Often anger will show up for a day or a few hours and then go away. Our emotions are always fluctuating throughout the day.
But what does it mean when you feel angry most of the time?
Where is it coming from?
How do you move through it in the best possible way?
How do you prevent it from creeping up over and over again sometimes seemingly out of the blue?
What is Your Anger is Trying to Tell You?
Anger is Guidance to Let You Know That Something Needs to Be Looked At
Anger is an emotion that is here to tell you something and provide you guidance (as all emotions are).
It is not a particularly pleasant emotion, so when it rears its ugly head, you want to know how to get rid of it. In order to get rid of it, you have to get to the root cause.
Trying to cover it up with distractions will only prolong it and make it worse, which means you are more prone to exploding and losing control.
The most important thing to understand is that there isn’t anything wrong with you for feeling this way. Anger is just an emotion; it is not who you are. It doesn’t make you a bad person and it certainly shouldn’t be something you use to judge yourself with.
It is simply a sign. A sign of something that needs your attention and needs to be looked at. It is a sign that you have some fear about something and you aren’t sure how to deal with that fear. You may feel powerless and that is causing the emotion of anger.
Where Does Anger Stem From?
Anger stems from fear. If you are suppressing your fear, then it will manifest as anger. Anger shows you that you are having anxiety over something. Some fears that may manifest as anger are:
- Fear of not making the right decision
- Fear of loss of something or someone
- Fear of the unknown
- Financial fears
- Health care fears
- Fear of being held back
- Relationship fears
- Fear of what other people will think
- Not trusting yourself and fear of messing something up
- Fear of death
- Phobias
There are many different types of fears, as I only listed a couple of common ones. But that fear will stir up emotions and if not dealt with right away can come out as anger. Or it may not come out at all and it will eat you up inside until you eventually explode.
What is Happening When You Feel Irritated Most of the Time?
If you are feeling irritated or angry most of the time it is a sign that something in your life needs some immediate attention. You’ve been suppressing it for too long and it is now time to deal with it.
When you feel anger most of the time, you have probably been going through something for a while and have not dealt with it. It is something that has been bothering you for a while and your body is no longer able to hold it in, so it comes out or you feel it internally. A fear that doesn’t get dealt with will turn into anger.
If you aren’t doing what you want and doing what everyone else wants you to do, it will come out as anger eventually. You are feeling held back and resentful and are afraid to do what you want because you don’t want to deal with the consequences. So, it eats away at you until one day you realize that you are angry every single day.
It is not the best feeling to go through this. You feel powerless to your circumstances and you want to do something about it but feel held back.
You let it eat away at you instead of doing what you know you should be doing to offer you some relief. The fear of taking action is still stronger than the fear of staying where you are, and it will manifest as anger.
You are probably saying “well I can’t just quit my job and that’s the source of my anger” or “I can’t just leave my marriage.” There are always options to every problem. Maybe you get a different job, get transferred to a different department, or go on stress leave. Perhaps you speak to a marriage counselor, take a break from each other for a while or talk things through. Or maybe you just leave the circumstance that is causing you so much fear.
There are options and if you trust that everything will work out the way it is supposed to, then it will. You won’t know the whole road ahead but if you believe you are taking the right step then the path will begin to form and shape in magical ways for you. If something feels good, it is your higher self saying “this is for you; this is right and will bring you happiness.” If something feels bad your higher self is saying “this isn’t for you; try a different path.”
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Where is Anger on the Emotional Scale?
If you’ve listened to Abraham Hicks you’ve probably heard of the emotional scale. For example, Abraham says that anger is higher on the emotional scale than depression.
When you are depressed the energy basically has stopped moving but when you feel anger, you have momentum going. This is a good thing. It means that you are moving up the emotional scale and that your anger is not as bad of an emotion as you may think. So, if you’ve recently experienced depression, know that anger means you are starting to feel better. You are moving up this emotional guidance scale.
Other people may not think that is so. They may think there is something wrong with you for feeling anger. I think that just knowing that you are moving up the emotional scale will give you some relief. You are much closer to happiness from anger than from depression or jealously.
How Anger Manifests in the Physical Body
If you’ve been angry for a period of time, then it will manifest in your physical body. Anger can eat away at your body as another way of trying to get your attention. Here are some ways anger manifests in your body.
1. Skin Conditions – A very common physical symptom of anger is skin conditions. Anger is like poison to your body and if you suppress it, then it will try to find a way out.
Your skin may filter the anger out of your body and while it is doing so, cause a skin condition. Since it is poison to your body, it causes things such as rashes, sores, psoriasis, acne, hives, itchiness, etc. It’s as if your skin is filtering the poison out of your system.
I personally had my anger show up as sores on my hands and a super weird rash on my face and legs. My face was even painful to touch for a while. As soon as I felt better the rash completely disappeared and never came back.
2. Liver Conditions – Anger can also manifest as a liver condition. Since our liver filters out poisons and everything that enters our bodies, it makes sense that it will try to filter out anger as well. If you have a lot of anger and your liver can’t keep up, then it will show physical conditions.
3. Anxiety – Anger and anxiety go hand in hand. If you choose to not express your anger, then you will probably feel anxiety. This anxious feeling is telling you that something needs to be released and looked at.
Anxiety is basically like stopping the anger from coming up. It is trying to release, but you are making a conscious choice not to.
Why would you choose not to express your anger? There can be many reasons such as:
- It’s not socially acceptable
- People will look at you differently
- You don’t want to hurt someone else
- You feel as if it’s wrong and you are a bad person for feeling this way (you aren’t)
- You could do or say something you’ll regret
4. Increased Blood Pressure – If you are feeling anger then there’s a good chance your blood pressure will be increased as you are constantly ready to explode. You are not in a peaceful state and your blood pressure will increase.
Healthy Ways to Deal with Anger
There are healthy outlets to let you express your anger without hurting anyone or yourself.
1. Hypnotherapy – This can be a great tool for getting to the root of your anger. Maybe you have no idea where your anger is coming from? Hypnotherapy can help you to figure it out and get to the root cause.
If you don’t know where it’s coming from then it can be more difficult to release it. I’ve personally tried and recommend hypnotherapy as a tool for understanding and releasing stuck energy.
2. Screaming – Let out a big scream in your car on your way to work. Or go somewhere private where no one will hear you and let out a big scream. Anger wants to come up and letting out a big scream privately will help to release it and make you feel better. It will also help to release it so that your body doesn’t start to give you physical symptoms that are uncomfortable.
3. Physical Exercise – This is great for releasing those pent-up emotions and also a very healthy way to deal with them. Channel that energy that makes you want to explode into exercise. I guarantee you’ll feel better after a good workout. Exercise can also help to get your endorphins going as a bonus to releasing the pent-up emotions.
4. Changing Something in Your Life – If your anger is coming from a situation in your life that you absolutely know isn’t for your highest good then the best form of action may be to change it.
For example, let’s say you know it’s your job that is causing your anger. You are angry every day on your way to work; you are angry with your boss and co-workers and you know this job is no longer for your highest good. The best way to release this anger may be to change jobs. How you do it is up to you.
Maybe you look for something else while you are at your current job. Or perhaps you start something new on the side. Or maybe the best thing to do is just quit. You know your circumstances the best and what will work best for you. Sometimes the new door can’t open until you get out of the energy of the old door.
5. Deep Breathing / Meditation– When you are angry your breathing can become very shallow and cause even more anxiety. Take some time when you feel angry and throughout the day to consciously take some deep breaths. This will slow down your heart rate and allow more oxygen to enter your system. This will also ground you and keep you calm.
6. Talking to Someone – Talking to a trusted friend, family member or counselor will help to release the anger as well. Sometimes it just wants to be acknowledged and once you do, it is enough to release it. When you hold things in, that is when they cause issues. Your chakras may become imbalanced and physical and emotional symptoms begin to show.
7. Feel It & Allow it to Be There – One of the best ways to feel better is to literally feel the anger. If you try to push it away, it will come back until you feel it. If you judge yourself for feeling this way, then you’ll only feel worse.
Remember that anger is just an emotion; you are not a bad person for having emotions. You are only human and every single person on this earth has felt anger at some point whether they want to admit it or not.
8. Speak Up for Yourself / Be Assertive – Often there is something that needs to be said when you get angry. Maybe it is something like asking your boss for a raise. You’ve been getting resentful that you are doing all this work and you are not getting paid what you deserve. Your boss may have no idea you feel this way. Speaking up may just get you that raise and get rid of your anger completely. Don’t let anyone push you around and be sure to be assertive in a nice but strong way.
Bottom Line – Your Anger is Here to Show You Something
Your anger is here to show you something. It is here to bring to light your fears and help you to move through them. It is not a good idea to suppress your anger for too long as it will start to give you physical symptoms. These symptoms are guidance and should be looked at so they don’t grow bigger.
Do you feel held back? Are you scared to make a decision? Are you afraid of losing something? Use your anger to help you uncover these questions and move past them instead of stuffing them down and giving you anxiety.
Every emotion is here to show you something and none are good or bad. You are not wrong to feel anger or any emotion that you feel. Emotions are simply guidance and every one is valid in your experience.
This is the best articles i red so far!!!
Thank you, glad you enjoyed it 🙂