What is Channeling? What Happened When I Tried It

You’ve probably heard the term channeling before but may not be sure exactly what it is, and it may even freak you out a bit.
When I first heard the term, I thought it meant a spirit would enter my body, take it over and speak through me. It all sounded very intrusive and not very enjoyable. It wasn’t an experience I wanted to have.
Years later, I am here to clear all that up and help you understand what channeling is and how to do it.
What Is Channeling?
Channeling is a natural thing and we all do it, often without realizing it.
Have you seen the singer who is singing their heart out? They are channeling.
Or that painter who seems to be in their own world painting a beautiful masterpiece? They are also channeling.
I often channel when I write a blog post and am in a flow state connected to higher vibrations.
Channeling is a form of communication between yourself and the spirit world. You may channel information from your higher self, your spirit guides, angels, ascended masters, nature spirits, or other beings.
Channeling is connecting to a frequency and then expressing that frequency outwards through words, writing, song, or various other creative forms.
Channeling can be a very beautiful thing as you connect to higher vibrations and express that energy in some form. Most people do this type of channeling, where they are fully aware and conscious of exactly what is happening while being in a beautiful flow state.
What is Trance Channeling?
Can a spirit enter your body and share it with you? Yes, that is possible. This is called trance channeling.
Trance channeling is a bit different and harder to do. When someone trance channels, they are still connected to their body, but they let another spirit basically take control and speak through them while they take a backseat.
Trance channeling is most often done by experienced channels and people should be careful when they do this type of channeling.
My First Channeling Experience
The first time I tried consciously channeling, I actually didn’t want to. I was really hesitant about trying out this new thing and had no desire to channel.
I was in a course called “Mediumship & Channeling” and I was only there for the mediumship part. The second day of the course was our channeling part, and I was freaked out. I thought someone might take over my body and I’d have no control. I was scared, to say the least.
But my experience was completely different than I had imagined. It surprised me, to say the least.
We were in our group and the teacher walked out through a guided channeling session. All of a sudden, my head started moving in circles. I was really self-conscious that someone would think I was weird, but everyone mostly had their eyes closed so I went with it.
Then I felt like I wanted to burst out laughing. I felt so much joy and happiness and I could barely contain it. I held back a bit again for my fear of being weird, but I let some of it out.
I was overwhelmed with a feeling of peace and happiness like I’ve never felt before in my life. I didn’t even know it was possible to feel that good. I usually have some level of anxiety and I didn’t know what it was like to feel that peace.
After the session, my teacher said my energy was completely different and she has also never seen me so peaceful before.
My channeling experience completely surprised me and changed my view on channeling forever. It was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had, and I’ll never forget it.
What Can You Expect to Experience When You Channel?
Mostly everyone channels often without realizing it. Think about the times you felt in a flow state where time didn’t exist. You were completely immersed in what you were doing and nothing in the outside world distracted you.
If you have experienced this state, you’ve likely connected with high vibrational energy and allowed it to channel through you.
When you channel you may experience things such as:
- Joy
- Temperature Changes
- Peace
- Elation
- Happiness
- Love
- Emotional Intensity
- Heightened Senses & Awareness
- Clarity
- Flow
- Ease
- Feeling Energy – Swaying or moving your body, tingling, the sense that someone is touching you, or other physical sensations.
These are all some things you can experience when you are channeling a spirit of light and love. If you feel anything different, then stop and ask your angels to only allow light and loving beings in. It is possible to channel darker beings depending on many factors such as not protecting yourself and where your energy currently is.
Is Channeling Evil?
I’ve heard many misconceptions that channeling is evil and that you shouldn’t do it because you are contacting lower beings. This is a huge misconception but with every misconception is a hint of truth.
If you are in a very low state of consciousness and have been for a while, you may channel lower vibrational beings. It all depends on where you are.
I don’t mean that you are having a bad day, week, month, or year. But if you are constantly in a very dark place for a long time and then you go to channel, you can open the door for lower beings to communicate with you.
This can also happen if you channel while drinking or doing drugs. However, this won’t apply to most people reading this article but it’s something to be aware of.
It all depends on where you are, your intention, and why you are doing it. If you are channeling in order to manipulate someone, then yes you may contact a lower astral being.
But if you are doing it from a place of love and light and truly want to connect with your guides and spirit helpers to help yourself and others, then you will attract loving, high-vibrational beings. It’s like anything, you can use it for good or bad depending on you and your intention.
How to Protect Yourself Before Channeling
It’s always a good idea to protect your energy before channeling to ensure that only energy you want will come in. You’ll want to connect with high vibrational spirits of light.
If you are in a good energy, you will attract these high vibrational spirits. But that’s not to say that the ones you don’t want won’t slip in. You can be firm and protect yourself before getting into channeling to ensure that you are in control.
Here Are Some Helpful Tips for Channeling Positive Beings:
• Channel When You Are in a Good Energy
It’s important that you feel somewhat good when you channel. If you are going through a really hard time right now, or a dark night of the soul and feel really down, it’s not the best time to channel. This is because you may connect with lower beings if your energy is currently in a low vibration.
Wait until you feel like yourself again or at least feel like you are in a somewhat good place to channel. You don’t have to be in a super high vibe, just not in a really low vibration.
• Ask Your Angels and Guides for Protection
It’s a good idea to ask your spirit guides and guardian angels for protection before channeling. If you ask, they will help. But you have to ask because they won’t interfere with your free will.
You can also ask any angels that you connect with to help you. You can ask Arc Angel Michael to stand beside you and keep you safe. Or you may want to call upon Arc Angel Gabrielle to help you with your communication.
Different angels are good for different things so you can look up which angel helps the most with what you want. Or you can go with anyone that you connect with.
• Be Clear on Your Intention
When you channel, it is important to set an intention of what you want to happen and who you want to come in.
What do you want to get from this channeling?
Do you want information?
Do you want to feel more peace?
State your intention so that the correct being can come to you and help you. This also helps you to recognize when someone comes through that doesn’t match your intention.
• Stop if Something Feels Off
Stop immediately if something feels off to you. If it does, then it probably is. Listen to your intuition. A lower being might be coming in so it’s best to cut the connection with them.
Once when I was channeling, I felt a being beside me, and he was swaying my body back and forth but not in a good way. It felt creepy to me and not like the beings who I normally channel, so I just stopped and told him to leave, and he went away.
• Ask for Only High Beings of Light to Come In
State before you channel that you only want beings of light and love to help you. When you do this, you protect yourself from anything that isn’t of the light.
Light being may come in many forms such as your higher self, spirit guides, angels, deceased ancestors, star beings, nature spirits, or ascended masters.
How Do You Know If Who You Are Channeling is of the Light?
You know by how you feel. If you feel love, expansion, peace, fun, joy, and lightheartedness, then you are channeling a being of light.
If you feel heavy, contracted, fearful, or full of anxiety, then you are channeling a lower entity. Trust your intuition when you channel.
Different Ways to Channel
1. Automatic Writing
Automatic writing is a form of channeling where you receive information and write it out on paper (or type it out on the computer.) You may or may not be aware of what you are writing. This is different for everyone. Likely it won’t make sense when you are writing it (as you aren’t using the rational part of your brain), but it will make sense going back to it later.
2. Speaking
Speaking is one of the most common ways to channel. You receive energy from another being and speak what you are receiving. This will look different to everyone.
Some people see words, others hear words and others just open their mouths and let the words flow without knowing what word is coming next. The latter usually happens as you get more into your channeling abilities. At first, the words may be choppy which is perfectly normal, but you will get more flow the more you practice.
3. Singing
Singing is a form of channeling where you connect to higher frequencies and let your words flow out of you through song.
4. Moving Your Body
Dancing, or any movement can be a form of channeling. When you allow your body to flow with the music, you are tapping into higher frequencies and shifting your energy.
When I channel, my head moves in circles. My neck always feels better after channeling, and I believe it’s because it loosens it up and relaxes my muscles. That is what can happen to you as well when you move your body.
5. Drawing/Art/Painting
Doing anything creative can be a form of channeling. If you enjoy drawing or painting, you may have reached channeling states through your creative work.
6. Cooking/Baking
You may channel when you are doing something you enjoy such as making food. You may be in a heightened flow state and receive ideas for new recipes or how to make your current recipe better.
7. Playing a Musical Instrument
You can channel through music such as playing an instrument. Many music composers channel the songs they write and play.
Popular Channelers
Abraham Hicks
One of my favorite channelers that I used to listen to a lot when I first got started was Abraham Hicks. Abraham is channeled through Ester Hicks where they talk a lot about the law of attraction and creating your own reality.
Another channeler that I really like is Bashar who is channeled through Darryl Anka. Bashar speaks a lot about creating your own reality and how following your highest joy will lead you in the right direction. He talks a lot about the law of attraction as well as the laws of the universe.
Lee Harris
Another more recent channel I found that I enjoy listening to is Lee Harris. He does energy reports every month that he channels from his guides as well as other enlightening videos that help you connect to your own spirituality.
There are so many great channels if you google them, you’ll find lots. Tons of new channels have popped up over the past few years as channeling has become more mainstream and acceptable.
Go with which one you resonate with the most at this time and always trust your intuition. There are fake channels out there and channels that aren’t channeling light beings. Be discerning and know that not all of them have your best interest at heart. You’ll be able to feel who is right for you because the message will resonate and feel expansive.
Final Thoughts – What Is Channeling
Channeling is a completely natural thing to do. Many people have made it seem ‘evil’ or ‘voodoo’, but everyone channels, and most people don’t even realize it. If you’ve ever been in a flow state and lost your sense of time, you’ve channeled.
When you channel high vibrational energy, you feel loving energy. It opens up your heart and makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. This is how you know what you are channeling is of the light and high vibration.
It’s always best to begin channeling with a teacher, however, it isn’t necessary. I started in a class, but later read an extremely helpful book that took it to a new level for me. The book Opening to Channel brought my channeling to a whole new level and I highly recommend it if you are interested in opening up your own channeling abilities.
Check out Opening to Channel HERE.