What Are the Clairs? 7 of the Most Common Psychic Senses
If you’re new to spirituality and psychic development, you may be wondering what are the clairs? They are the prefix and term used to describe different psychic abilities. ‘Clair’ means ‘clear’ in French, and it refers to having a clear sense of a specific ability.
These abilities are similar to the senses you currently have, but much more expanded. Think of it like your senses amplified.
They are the expanded version of your senses that everyone is capable of having. While some people are born with their clairs being very strong, other people develop them through practice and training. With practice, you can strengthen any of your clair abilities.
What Are the Clairs? 7 Types of Psychic Abilities.
1. Clairvoyance
Clairvoyance means “clear seeing.” Someone who is clairvoyant can see beyond what their 2 physical eyes can perceive.
Clairvoyants have a really strong third eye chakra and see with that chakra. The third eye chakra has a much more expanded view and can tap into different realms and dimensions of energy.
How Do You Know if You Have Clairvoyance?
You have clairvoyance if you see things beyond what most people’s two physical eyes see. You are tapping into a deeper level of energy and seeing beyond what your eyes are picking up.
You are using your third eye to perceive information and then seeing it through your minds eye or bringing it through your physical eyes to see it.
Someone who is clairvoyant can see spirit guides, angels, earthbound spirits, energy (such as auras), orbs of light, chakras, or anything that you don’t see in your normal everyday life.
Some clairvoyant people are medical intuitives and can see where there are problems in someone’s body.
Please note that medical intuitives can have any of the clair abilities and the ability to tap into energy through any of their clairs, not only through clairvoyance.
If you are clairvoyant, you have a very strong sense of sight, and you may be sensitive to bright lights or certain types of lights.
You pick up details in your environment that other people may not notice. You see with an expanded view beyond what your eyes initially perceive.
Most individuals with strong clairvoyance will use “see” in their speech. For example, you might say, “I see what you are saying.”
2. Clairaudience
Clairaudience means “clear hearing.” Someone who is clairaudient can hear beyond what their 2 physical ears perceive.
Clairaudience individuals have really strong ear and throat chakras and hear with those chakras, not just their ears. They are using these chakras to tap into sounds that are more difficult to hear with just their ears.
How Do You Know if You Have Clairaudience?
You have clairaudience if you hear things either inside your head or out loud that you cannot see. Of course, if you are clairvoyant, you may see a being there speaking. But most people are hearing things they can’t see with their 2 physical eyes.
You are picking up on sounds from a different dimension or from this dimension but with a specific frequency. You are basically tapping into a new dimension and hearing the sounds from a collective or from a single being.
You may also receive telepathic messages from someone here on earth or someone in a different dimension.
Think of it like a radio dial, you are changing the station to hear a different sound.
You likely have a very strong sense of hearing and are sensitive to loud sounds. You may also get songs stuck in your head on repeat.
It is not uncommon if you have clairaudience that you get woken up in the middle of the night by sounds or voices or hear your name being called when no one is there.
Most individuals with strong clairaudience will use “hear” in their speech. For example, you might say, “I hear what you are saying.”
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3. Clairgustance
Clairgustance means “clear tasting.” While this is a less common clair ability, it is still quite an interesting one to have and some people experience it quite strongly.
Someone who is clairgustant can taste beyond what their physical tongue can perceive. Clairgustant individuals have a really strong throat chakra and taste with that chakra.
How Do You Know if You Have Clairgustance?
You have clairgustance if you taste things when you aren’t eating food. You get tastes in your mouth when you tune into a certain energy, or you may get a taste out of the blue. You may also receive a taste when you are around different people, or in a specific environment.
You are using your sense of taste to receive psychic information. For example, if you get a bad taste, it is alerting you that something isn’t right. If you get a delicious taste, it is alerting you that something is good.
You likely have a very strong sense of taste and are sensitive to taste. You may also really enjoy trying new food.
If you have clairgustance you may describe things with “taste”. For example, you may say, “Something tastes off.”
4. Claircognizance
Claircognizance means “clear knowing.” Someone who is claircognizant receives downloads of information, sometimes not even knowing where this information is coming from.
Claircognizants have a really strong crown chakra and information is funneled through that chakra to them.
How Do You Know if You Have Claircognizance?
Claircognizance comes through as an inner knowing. You may receive a download of information but have no idea how you know it. You will find that this information you are being downloaded with ends up being right most of the time.
This information may come out of the blue when you are open to receive it, or it may come through as you tune into something specific.
You may know something about someone when first meeting them and have no idea how you know only to later find out that you were right.
I’ve found that my claircognizance comes through when I’m doing tasks that I don’t have to think too much such as cleaning or preparing food. It’s all of sudden there out of the blue without me trying to get any information.
Individuals with claircognizance are thinkers and are usually quite intelligent. You may enjoy reading and learning. You receive a lot of great ideas that seem to come out of the blue.
If you have claircognizance you may describe things with “knowing”. For example, you may say, “I know what you mean” when speaking.
5. Clairalience
Clairalience means “clear smelling.” Someone who is clairalient can smell beyond what their physical nose can smell.
Clairalience individuals have a really strong throat and nose chakra and pick up on smells through that chakra. They tune into smells in a much more expanded way than most people’s noses do.
How Do You Know if You Have Clairalience?
You have clairalience if you smell things when you aren’t eating or around any smells. You receive smells when you tune into a certain energy, or you may get a smell completely out of the blue. You may also receive smells when you are around different people, or in a specific environment.
You are using your sense of smell to receive psychic information. For example, if you get a bad smell, it is alerting you that something isn’t right and if you get a delicious smell, it is alerting you that something is beneficial.
You likely have a very strong sense of smell with your physical nose and can pick up on strong smells. You may also enjoy having things around that smell good to you such as candles, lotions, essential oil, or anything else.
If you have clairalience you may describe things with “smell”. For example, you may say, “Something smells off.”
6. Clairsentience
Clairsentience means “clear feeling.” Someone who is clairsentient can feel things at a much deeper level. They can pick up on the energy of the things around them or even things far away if they tune into them. They don’t need to be physically by something to pick up on its energy.
Clairsentience’s have a really strong solar plexus chakra. They can feel things in their body as physical sensations and are very connected to the energy around them.
How Do You Know if You Have Clairsentience?
Clairsentience comes through as a feeling in your body. You may receive a gut feeling, become very hot or cold, get shivers, feel like someone is touching you, or receive any other feeling. There are many different types of things you can experience but basically, it is a bodily sensation that you are feeling.
With clairsentience you may feel energies that cause physical symptoms. For example, if you feel a dark energy, you may get physically sick such as getting a headache and if you feel a light energy, you may feel energized and alive.
This information may come out of the blue when you are open to receive it, or it may come through as you tune into something specific.
If you are clairsentient, you are very good at psychometry. This is holding an object that belonged to someone else and receiving information about that person.
If you are clairsentient, you are likely also an empath and have clairempathy as you pick up on the emotions of others.
If you have clairsentience, you may describe things as “feelings”. For example, you may say, “I feel that I should go for a walk” when speaking.
7. Clairempathy
Clairempathy means “clear emotion.” Someone who is a clairempath can literally feel the emotions of another person, animal, or experience.
Clairempaths have a really strong heart chakra and solar plexus chakra and are tuning into those chakras to pick up information. Both of these charkas are connected because some clairsentience people get really strong gut feelings (solar plexus), while others tune into their hearts much more.
How Do You Know if You Have Clairempathy?
You have clairempathy if you can literally feel the emotions of other people, animals, or environments. You may tune into someone and physically experience their emotions. You know that it is theirs because it showed up when you tuned into their energy.
Many psychics, counsellors, oracle card readers, and other people who work in service to help others have strong clairempathy. This is because it helps them understand their clients better and therefore serve them better.
But it isn’t limited to using it only for work. You may not have a profession that involves feeling the emotions of others and still be a strong empath.
Individuals with clairempathy are thinkers and are generally very kind-hearted. Since you can literally feel the emotions of others, it helps you to not judge them and understand them better. You don’t want them to suffer and would do anything to alleviate their suffering.
If you have clairalience you may describe things with “feeling” combined with empathy. For example, you may say, “I feel your pain.”
Final Thoughts – What Are the Clairs?
The clairs can be described as your current senses amplified. It is perceiving energy and receiving psychic information through your senses in a stronger way than your average physical senses can do.
You may have one of these clairs and not even realize it because they can start off very subtle. It may start off with receiving a knowing and later receiving validation that it is right. Then, as this keeps happening, you connect the dots that you are claircognizant.
Any of the clairs can be developed and strengthened with practice. Everyone is capable of having strong clair abilities.
Let me know in the comments what your strongest clair ability is!