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  1. 6 years ago I got divorced and met someone that I thought would allow me to have a family. It didnā€™t happen and I spun into a deep depression. After 6 years of therapy I came to the realization that subconsciously I was trying to do everything my father did, but with a better outcome. Once I realized that my subconscious was actually leading me through life and not the other way around, I started doing the opposite of what I thought I wanted or needed. The Universe gave me exactly what my subconscious wanted and not what I wanted. Now that I realize this, Iā€™m letting the universe give me what I want, not what my subconscious seems to want.

    Maybe now I can live my life and at 60 years old, it sure took me a long time to see what the universe was doing and just how I can correct things. Itā€™s my life, not my subconsciousā€™s life.

    Now all I want or need is a peace of mind and just a sprinkle of happiness.

  2. I dont stumble over this article, My researches got me here and i found gold on the course of the journey. It really an article of substance. I want to be a professional blogger..i have a lot of life experiences and solutions i wanna share too

  3. I get so confused at times because I know that the universe is always answering and also the universe gives everything you want in the way that is best for you. But then is everything meant to be or do you just attract things? I am so so confused.

    1. I totally understand your confusion Tiffany. This connects with if we have free will or if everything is already set out for us.

      We do attract things and can change what we attract with our energy. We also have outlined certain experiences that we want to have on earth. Your soul will naturally pull you toward those experiences. How you navigate those experiences is up to you and your free will.

      You can also change the experiences you are having and attract new ones.

      Sometimes the way the universe gives you those experiences aren’t how you imagined they would look. But often in those experiences you’ll get exactly what you need and you then you get to decide how you want to navigate them.

      For example, if you ask for something, the universe will give it to you. 2 things can happen:

      1. You don’t use the experience to help you and brush it off, thinking that it’s not what you asked for. So not much changes.

      2. You see the experience as something here to help you and you use it to change something or move forward in your life. The experience may be helping you to learn something FIRST so that you can get the thing you want.

      Neither of these options are wrong. They are simply experiences. If you choose option #1, that is ok . The universe will keep delivering you experiences to help you.

      If you choose option #2, the universe will deliver you a new experience that matches your new energy from what you just learned.

      I hope that makes sense. I know it’s a confusing topic.


  4. Hi
    Well I have believed in cosmic ordering and universal truth through Buddhism about 20 years ago , whilst studying Theology . Does it work, well , if you are looking for a quick fix , or life as a box of chocolates ? No !
    My grandma , born in the 19 th century., may be the wisest person I have known in my life .
    She had gone through 2 world wars . The poorest and richest of situations , bringing up 5 children and loosing a much beloved son To illness at 6 years old .
    She never sprouted religion , not once ! I donā€™t think she ever went to church that I remember so I suppose had learnt that religions can cause many of this worlds problems , which is probably why you donā€™t hear of them in other worlds watching star treks thousands of episodes . But belief in a higher power . She taught me one thing.
    BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU ASK FOR ! And how and why you ask for it .
    You canā€™t ask the universe to make you a lottery winner ! Seemingly everyone knows that . It is selfish and if no use to others at all .
    Instead ask and explain how the world will benefit if you are given your gift .
    I believe totally in this . In this lifetime I feel I am here to learn that money and material wealth does not bring happiness . Still at 68 I am still receiving this lesson in many and various ways , some too cruel and unfair to think of . But I consider it this lifeā€™s lesson. And in my next ā€˜lifeā€™ whenever and wherever it will be, I will have learned this and gone on to my next lesson in the development of my ā€˜soulā€™ .
    I am so pleased to have realised that universal truth , it has truly helped me understand many of the things that happen to me and my surrounding beings .
    My thirst for knowledge in this subject knows no bounds , and I have met many individuals that have helped me .
    I just must share 1 experience I had if my grandmas warning .
    A few years ago , I had skin cancer ( well obviously I still have it as itā€™s not curable ) and after a big operation was unable to walk and never do the yoga ,I had practised for 25 years , at all . Inevitably I put on weight ! I had always maintained a low healthy weight so was uncomfortable with the extra 14 pounds !
    Off to the bottom of my garden I go ! And shout my request to the universe ā€˜please let me loose a stone ā€˜ weeks went by , no exercise , always snacking through boredom , but hey I asked for it ! And literated That I would be a help to others if I lost this extra stone . To cut a 10 week story short! Yes I did get an answer ! Not what I had meant ! But one night I woke up in terrible pain. I could not move . Desperately I called my friend who came to my rescue and part carried me to my bathroom ….. where…… yes you guessed it …… I passed a KIDNEY STONE !
    I did not know I had one . Maybe it didnā€™t , but the universe sure gave me one so I could loose it .
    Many of my friends have found this entertaining , especially when I said ā€˜ I should have asked to loose 14 pounds ā€˜. No ! , they chorused , you would have lost Ā£14. In money ! Hey. They got it . It was a lesson that helped many many people .
    And no I have not lost that weight but a lot of people have benefitted from that story and think twice before wishing .
    I hope that everyone who learns from these lessons and words benefit and live a fuller life . Though I trust that no profit is bring made from the passing on of such truths , they are free to everyone and the Internet is a great tool to learn freely about it .

  5. So how I landed in this article. Thank you! It applies so much in my life, specially during the Corona Virus situation. I feel like God is training me for what is to come.

  6. How is the universe giving people what they want. Am more inclined to believe the universe is quick to give some people what they dont want with heartbreaking situations. What if they are contemplating suicide The universe happily support them in the desiscionbp that reduces them to think like that which is a negative.. Must be a cruel universe hell bent on destroying some people.

    1. Thanks for the comment Sm.

      Suicide is a free will action that you can take, so the universe wouldn’t give you that because that is your choice. However, it can give you a situation that causes you to want to feel like committing suicide. But the feelings are your own. The universe doesn’t force you to feel any way. It gives you a situation and you decipher how you feel. One person may feel totally different than another person in the same situation.

      But it is all about perspective. I used to be severely depressed, now I see it as a blessing. If I wasn’t, then I wouldn’t have learnt everything I did and it caused me to dig deep and seek answers. It basically saved my life because now I understand things I never used to.

      The way I see it, the universe gives us situations to evolve our souls and it is our choice if we wan to see them as cruel or as blessings. Some of the poorest people in the world are the happiest and some of the richest are the most depressed. We don’t always know what will make us happy. Will money make us happy? Maybe not. Will a specific person that we think is our soul mate make us happy? Not always.

      I do think it can seem cruel and I do think some people go through a lot of heartbreak but we have the choice to feel however we want to feel. That is just my perspective and I respect yours if yours is different.

      1. I understand what your saying about choosing how to feel. So if the universe always gives us what we want, why does the actions that we take towards what we want, which I want abundance the universe gives the opposite to what I want which shows up as lack., Lol, this has puzzled me for years ! I don’t have low self esteem, but I do question why am I getting all this lack in areas of the things I think happy thoughts and images of.
        Thanks x

        1. One suggestion I have is to pay attention to your actions and always ask “am I doing this out of fear or love?” Sometimes we think we are doing something that our heart wants but really it is because we fear what will happen if we do the opposite. Basically, become super aware of how your action FEELS. Do you get excited when you take action or does it feel like a desperate action? When it is in alignment it will always feel good and often exciting. You might feel a bit unsure but deep down you will know that is where your soul wants you to go.

          The second thing is that it may be a core belief that is preventing you from receiving what you want. I find the longer our experience with something, the harder it is to manifest something else.

          My suggestion would be to go back to the past (in your mind) and visualize yourself receiving abundance instead of lack. The way I do it, is basically pretend the opposite happened (of what really did). I want you to notice if receiving the abundance in your mind feels uncomfortable? If it does, it means that you are more comfortable with the lack than the abundance. This is ok! It is just because that is what you’ve gotten used to. I suggest you keep visualizing the abundance every day until it feels like your new normal. So, basically you will shift your energy towards that thing you want and bring it to you.

          I hope these ideas help!

  7. Definitely spot on insights. It resonated with me as I’ve been going through a lot lately with what I should be doing/what I want out of my life for a future career. Great article, keep it up!

  8. I love this article…thanks so much. This is a mirror of my story and at times it is difficult to understand the “why.” Today, I am doing what I always wanted as a career. I have 3 beautiful children when my wife and I thought, after a failed IVF, we couldn’t have any.

    I am now embarking on a new goal and that is to move back to Canada with my family from the Caribbean. I am optimistic this this “door” will open. Your article has helped to believe a bit more!!!

    1. Thank you so much for the nice comment Tony. That is great that you are doing what you want!! It can be confusing to understand the “why” but always nice to look back and see how it all played out in such a beautiful way. That is a great story. It is amazing what can happen even when a professional tells us that it isn’t possible! I wish you all the best on your journey back to Canada.

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