17 Sure Fire Signs That You Are Going Through a Spiritual Awakening
A spiritual awakening can be different and unique for everyone. But what it essentially is, is opening up to a new, more expanded version of yourself and of life. A spiritual awakening is realizing that there is more to life and then discovering what that is. It is upgrading your consciousness to a new level where more things can be seen and discovered by you.
This new level of awareness is an amazing place to be, however, the journey isn’t always easy or comfortable. It can feel quite overwhelming to unlearn and re-learn things and basically question your whole identity. While there will be moments of bliss, there are also moments of great sadness and confusion.
Spiritual Awakening Meaning
A spiritual awakening is when you realize that there is more to life than you’ve been taught, and you begin to question everything. You realize that much of what you’ve been taught no longer resonates with your inner knowing and you want to find the deeper meaning of life.
You usually go through a death-like process where you purge a big part of your old identity, often called the dark night of the soul to make room for the new. You begin to remember who you truly are at a soul level.
It can be overwhelming and difficult because you have to let go and un-learn most of what you’ve been taught up until now and learn a new way. In this new way, you have a much broader perspective and understand life at a much deeper level. It resonates with you at a soul level and feels right to you.
A spiritual awakening is essentially an upgrade from the old to the new. However, this process is usually extremely uncomfortable and challenging.
You can have many spiritual awakenings in your life, and they can vary in intensity. Every one that you go through will be a different experience.
Catalysts to Spiritual Awakenings
There is often some sort of catalyst that triggers a spiritual awakening within you. This is something that your higher self chose before you incarnated when it sat down to write its soul blueprint. It is a major event in your life that makes you question life and dig deeper into your spirituality. Most of the time these events are painful ones.
You don’t always need a catalyst for your spiritual awakening, as it can happen naturally. However, the majority of spiritual awakenings are usually sparked by some major uncomfortable event in your life.
A few examples of catalysts that can spark a spiritual awakening are:
- A breakup or divorce
- A major accident
- The loss of a job
- The loss of a child or loved one
- The loss of your home
- New Illness (especially life-threatening ones)
- Pandemics
- Near-death experiences
- Mental health issues (such as extreme anxiety or depression)
17 Signs You Are Going Through a Spiritual Awakening
1. Your World Feels Different
When you go through a spiritual awakening, you see the world differently. It isn’t that the world is actually different, but your perspective of it has changed.
This happens as you shift your consciousness higher. You see the deeper meaning behind things, you perceive energy differently, and you feel different which causes things to look different to you.
The things that used to feel good to you may not feel good to you anymore because they no longer match your current vibration.
Also, the things that you weren’t interested in may now spark interest in you and feel like something you want to pursue.
For example, you may become more interested in spiritual things and be drawn to take different courses and seminars after your spiritual awakening. You may no longer be as interested in shopping or material things as it just doesn’t bring you the joy and satisfaction that it did before.
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2. You Have a New Perception of Life
A spiritual awakening changes your perception of life. You see things differently because you are different. You have a more expanded view. Just as a bird can see much more than us when they are flying above the land, you can now see things in a broader way. Each time you go through a spiritual awakening, your perception will slightly change into a more expanded view.
This can show up in your life in many different ways. You may have more compassion for others because you understand their point of view better now. Or you may be drawn to new things (such as spiritual practices) as your perception of them has now shifted and they now interest you more.
3. During a Spiritual Awakening Many Things End
When you go through a spiritual awakening, you shift your vibration. Your consciousness is expanding and that means that your outer reality has to change to match the new you. Often during your spiritual awakening many things that no longer match your old vibration will end.
They end to make room for the new and to match your new vibration. You may even feel like you are doing something wrong because of all of these endings. But trust that they are ending for a reason, and it is to move you to a new, better place that matches the new you.
4. New Things Begin
With these endings in your life, new things are also beginning. You may not see the new beginnings until after the old leaves. But rest assured that there are always new beginnings with endings.
If you find many new things starting in your life, it is likely that you just went through a spiritual awakening. New things don’t start in the same old energy. So, you’ve definitely shifted if new things are beginning in your life.
5. You Aren’t Interested in the Same Things You Used to Be
A spiritual awakening will change you from the inside out. Therefore, you will find that you aren’t as interested in the same things as you used to be. The things that used to feel important won’t feel as important anymore and different things will feel more important.
You may find that your hobbies change. You may be doing more spiritual things than you used to and finding connection in a new way.
6. You Might Feel Like You’re Dying
A spiritual awakening can feel like a death. This of course isn’t literal, but it is something that many people have reported feeling.
You begin to dissolve part of your ego as you go through your spiritual awakening. So, essentially you are losing a part of yourself, and this can be really uncomfortable. Many people refer to this as dark night of the soul.
It takes you into the depths of your soul as you shed layers of yourself that you no longer need. These layers may have protected you in the past, but you no longer need them, and your soul knows that now is the best time to get rid of them.
You are changing and becoming a new person and that isn’t always comfortable. Try your best to go with the flow and allow the changes to take place. Even if they don’t feel like it, they are for your higher good and moving you into a new spiritual place.
7. Your Appetite & Diet Changes
A spiritual awakening can cause you to drastically change your diet. You may find yourself craving foods that you never did before. You are also likely to be eating more consciously and lighter. The heavier, processed, dense foods won’t feel as comfortable in your body anymore so you may shift to fresher, healthier foods.
While you are likely to eat lighter, this isn’t always the case. Sometimes a spiritual awaking can bring things up to the surface and you may be going through a healing period. This may cause you to reach for heavier, comforting foods for a while.
Both of these can signify a spiritual awakening. The most important thing to notice is that your diet changes and then look at how you are feeling. Because your feelings go hand in hand with your diet and spiritual awakenings can stir up and ignite many different feelings and emotions within you.
8. You Begin to Know That There’s More to Life & Want to Find Out More
A spiritual awakening will open you up to knowing more about life. When you go through one, you will find you are drawn to finding the deeper meaning of life.
You understand that not everything you see with your eyes is all there is and not everything you’ve been told is all there is. You know there is more that you have yet to discover and will spend time figuring out what that is.
9. You Connect with Spirit More
You may feel drawn to connect more with spirit during a spiritual awakening. You may want to connect to your own spirit or your spirit guides. You may not have even known that you had spirit guides before your spiritual awakening (as most people don’t). So, now you may be really excited to connect with them and work with them.
Your spirit (higher self) and your guides can help you with many things. They are here to support you and you may begin a regular practice of connecting with them.
10. You Meditate More
Spiritual awakenings cause you to go inwards. This can look like meditating more to connect to your internal self or your spirit guides.
You will likely be drawn to do this as a way to recharge and understand yourself more. Meditation also helps to open up your intuitive abilities as well as release your limiting beliefs.
It’s worth it to create a regular meditation practice during your spiritual awakening as a way to keep yourself centered and calm. Especially when you are going through so many internal changes and likely outer ones as well.
My favorite meditation program is iAwake Technologies. They offer 6 free tracks if you are new to their work. Check it out HERE.
There are many ways to meditate and yours might look like going for a walk in nature without your phone. Meditation doesn’t have to be the traditional way.
11. You Re-Evaluate All Areas of Your Life (the Old No Longer Works)
A spiritual awakening changes you on a deep level. You go through a death and re-birth process (not literally, but figuratively) and the old no longer works for you.
You may find yourself getting rid of the old things that no longer feel right. This may include clothes, jobs, friends, hobbies, foods, and beliefs that no longer feel right.
You will be evaluating every area of your life and changing the ones that no longer feel like you. You are new, and your physical reality will follow your inner transformation.
12. You Have Mystical Experiences
Sometimes a spiritual awakening can bring you mystical types of experiences. This can look like your spirit guides showing up, angels, or your deceased loved ones.
It can also look like seeing things that you’ve never seen before and that other people might consider “impossible”, such as orbs, lights, auras, or fairies. You might see things from a different realm that you don’t see in everyday life.
When I was going through one phase of my spiritual awakening, one of my spirit guides used to color all over my stuff. Not in a destructive way, but in a playful, joyous way. He colored in my house, at my work, in my car, and on my books, it was everywhere! I found it absolutely fascinating and so much fun.
However, when I told other people about it, they were pretty freaked out and some didn’t even believe me (even though I have over 200 pictures to prove it.) I never saw my guide; however, I was having this mystical experience and it helped opened me up. He said I was going through a hard time then, so he did it to bring me joy and it did! He’s not been around much anymore as now I bring my own joy into my life and I don’t need him as much.
13. Your Spiritual Gifts Can Come On-Line During a Spiritual Awakening
When you go through a spiritual awakening, your spiritual gifts will come online. To which degree is individual to everyone.
Some people’s turn on full blast while other peoples gradually turn on. If yours gradually turns on, then you can do things to enhance them such as practicing, taking courses, and working with them. They are like a muscle, the more you exercise them, the stronger they become.
Your intuition will heighten during a spiritual awakening, and you may notice your ‘clair’ abilities getting stronger.
Your clair abilities are:
- Clairvoyance – “Clear Seeing”
- Clairgustance – “Clear Tasting”
- Claircognizance – “Clear Knowing”
- Clairaudience – “Clear Hearing”
- Clairalience – “Clear Smelling”
- Clairsentience – “Clear Feeling”
14. You Crave More Fulfillment in All Areas of Your Life
When you go through a spiritual awakening you get a deep desire for fulfillment in your life. This fulfillment comes from your higher self and has to do with your life purpose. It isn’t ego driven such as having nice car or designer clothes.
There’s nothing wrong with having those things, however, your spiritual awakening shifts your focus to what your higher self wants that fulfills it.
This may unfold in many ways including finding more meaningful, fulfilling work, friendships, relationships and basically doing the things that your soul wants.
15. You Feel Alone & Like No One Understands You or What You Are Going Through
Spiritual awakenings can feel lonely. Everyone goes through it at different times, so the people around you are likely to not be going through it while you are. They may have already gone through one or may go through one later.
It’s hard to describe what is happening to someone when you are going through this. So, I recommend talking about it with someone that has been through one themselves. They will understand and be supportive.
Just know that it won’t last forever and you won’t feel lonely forever. It is a temporary phase of your life and sometimes this part of your journey is meant to be experienced alone.
16. You Are Drawn to Nature More
When you go through a spiritual awakening, you are drawn more to connecting with mother earth, Gaia. You begin to develop a deeper connection with the planet you are living on.
Gaia is a living soul just like you and I and everything she creates is living as well. So, if you are drawn to connect with the trees, you are connecting with a part of Gaia.
Nature is very grounding as you go through your spiritual awakening, you’ll be drawn to things that help to balance you and re-charge you in a natural way. Nature is great at this.
If you find that you are drawn to nature and the outdoors more than you used to be, it is likely that you are going through a spiritual awakening or upgrade of some type. It is important to follow this guidance and connect with nature as much as you can.
17. Your Relationships Change
People may feel differently to you during your spiritual awakening, and this can cause your relationships to change.
This is because your vibration is different, and it may be harder to connect to them on the same level as before.
Some people will raise their vibration at the same time as you, others will go sooner or later. This is why people may leave your life. These people may leave and then re-enter at a different time when your vibrations are matched up again.
This also makes room for new people to enter your life. You may find that during your spiritual awakening, you are meeting more new people who are different than the people who are in your life now. These new people have a different vibration and bring different things that you are now a match to.
Final Thoughts – Spiritual Awakening Meaning
The meaning of your spiritual awakening may be quite different than someone else’s. You are unique and will go through your own unique experience.
Spiritual awakenings aren’t often that comfortable. They take you out of your comfort zone and into this new, unknown world. This transition can be confusing but once you are on the other side of it, you will feel so much better. You are expanding your consciousness and therefore you see the world differently, from a new higher view.
Spiritual awakenings are very much about unlearning and surrendering to what is happening. Trying to fight it or stop it will only make it more uncomfortable.
The catalyst to your spiritual awakening is also usually uncomfortable but it brings to the place that your soul wants to go. Take a deep breath and know that this is happening for you. The other side of a spiritual awakening is very enlightening when you can see things through a new perception.