4 Reasons Why People Drift Apart – A Spiritual Perspective
I find one of the saddest things in life is when you have a close friend that you drift apart from. They gradually fade out of your life.
I know I’ve had this happen with co-workers, ex’s, and friends. Each time it happens it leaves a little missing piece that you wish you could get back. So what causes us to drift apart from people we care about?
4 Reasons Why People Drift Apart
1. We Have Experiences with Certain People to Help Us Evolve – We Drift Apart When We Learn What We Need To
We are here on this earth for experiences to learn and grow. In order for our soul to advance it needs to overcome challenges and go through things that we don’t always enjoy. We have people who come into our lives that help us with these challenges that we came down here to earth to experience.
Sometimes it may take a day to overcome a certain challenge and other times it may take years. That is why some people are in your life for a very short time and others for longer. If you no longer need certain people in your life for you to evolve then they will drift out of your life. It may not feel like your choice, but your soul chose it before you came to earth.
2. We Have Contracts with Other People – We Drift Apart When We Fulfill Our Contract
We also have contracts with specific people to learn certain things. These soul contracts were created before we come to earth and are agreed upon by both parties.
For example, you may have a contract with a friend to learn the lesson of patience. Once you learn that lesson, you can both go your separate ways. The contract has been fulfilled and it’s time to move on.
Or you may have a contract to be someone’s child in this life and they agreed to raise you as their kid. So, you have a contract to stay in each other’s lives to teach and learn from each other.
We can have contracts with people for many different reasons. You may not understand the reason in this lifetime but your higher self understands the full picture of these contracts.
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3. We Have Karma to Resolve – We Drift Apart from People When Our Karma is Completed
Karma can also play a role as to why people may be in your life for a little while and then you never see them again. Sometimes we do things in past lives that we want to make right in this life.
For example, if you have wronged someone in a past life, then they will show up in this life to teach you a karmic lesson. They may mistreat you in this life the same way you mistreated them in a past life. For example, if you stole from someone in a past life, then someone may steal from you in this life to balance out your karma.
So, we may have a brief encounter with this person with who we are trying to resolve the karma with as a way of making it right. Once the karma is resolved then both parties can move on with their lives and onto their next lessons.
4. Law of Attraction Attracts Those into Our Lives on A Similar Vibration – People Drift Apart if They Aren’t on the Same Vibration
Law of Attraction attracts people to us that are on a similar vibration. So, let’s say you start dating someone and after a couple of months you have both shifted your vibration. You are no longer compatible and you will grow apart from each other. That is why people break up, they either grow together or apart from each other and the Law of Attraction will cause these people to drift apart from each other.
Bottom Line: 4 Reasons Why People Drift Apart
The people in your life are here for a reason. It may be a Karmic reason, a Law of Attraction reason, a contract reason, or for you to teach each other a lesson.
We teach others lessons, just as they teach us lessons. When we drift apart from someone it is because we no longer need them in our lives and they no longer need us in their life. New people will enter our lives at the time we need them. Nothing is by accident; everything helps us to grow and evolve as humans here on earth.
Keep in mind that no matter the reasons as to why you and someone else have drifted apart, you have free will and so do they. Nothing is set in stone. Your free will here on earth can change your circumstances, just as other people’s free will can change their circumstances.
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