Is Law Of Assumption Real? The Truth About It
You’ve likely stumbled across this article because you’ve heard about the law of assumption and are wondering, “is the law of assumption real?” I was in the same boat you are not long ago, wondering if this law is real. Why have we not heard more about it?
Many things have been hidden and it doesn’t mean that they aren’t real. Much of the population didn’t hear about the law of attraction until the secret came out and opened up our awareness to a new way of being.
The law of assumption is becoming more and more popular and for good reason. This is a powerful law!
This law is based on the teachings of Neville Goddard who had a lot of success with manifestation for himself and others he taught it to.
Is the Law of Assumption Real?
While there’s no way to give definite proof the law of assumption is real, I believe it is. The only way to know for sure is for you to try it out yourself.
Practice by putting it into action. Assume that you are something or that you have something and notice what shows up for you. Make sure you are persistent in your assumption as it may take some time for it to show up.
If you believe in the law of attraction but aren’t sure about the law of assumption, they are very similar laws with only slight differences. If you want to know which one is better, check out my article, “Law of Assumption Vs Law of Attraction: Which Is Superior?”
The law of attraction basically states that you attract what you want, and the universe delivers it to you. When you feel good and raise your vibration, you receive what you want. I have personal experiences and proof that this is true.
The law of assumption, however, states that basically you are the center of the universe, and nothing is brought to you by anything outside of yourself. You are the all-powerful creator of your life. It doesn’t matter if you are in a ‘high vibe’, as long as you believe you’ll get what you want then it will show up. I also have proof that this works in my own life. You can read about my experience with it in this article, “ How to Use the Law of Assumption with Examples.”
Personally, I believe in both of these laws and that law of assumption is indeed real.
How to Use the Law of Assumption
1. Decide What You Want
The first step is to decide exactly what you want. Get really specific. I recommend writing it down or finding a picture of it so that you have a visual representation of exactly what you want and your mind remembers it.
Becoming clear about your desire is very important. Being unclear is the reason why many people receive manifestations that aren’t in alignment with what they truly want.
2. Assume You Have What You Want
After you get clear about what you want your next step is to put the law of assumption into action. Assume that you are this thing or that you have this thing that you want.
How exactly do you do that? There are many different techniques that you can use. Here are a few of them:
• Inner Conversations
Have inner conversations with yourself that state you have what you want. Inner conversations are basically the conversations that go on in your head all day long. Instead of just letting your mind wander with whatever comes up, be deliberate and have the conversations that will help you get what you want.
This will look like you having conversations with yourself saying that you have the thing you desire. You can also have inner conversations (inside your head) where you are telling someone else that you have your desire.
Inner conversations can sound a lot like affirmations. For example, you may say, “I’m so happy I received an unexpected $10,000.”
• Visualization
Imagine that you have what you want. You can imagine scenes where you are living in the end where your wish is fulfilled. You can also visualize telling others that you have this thing that you want.
• Telling Other People That You Have Your Desire
This particular strategy is something to be cautious with because if you tell the wrong person they might question it which can throw resistance into your mind. However, if you say it to the right person and it feels good, then I say go for it!
This worked really well for me when I told strangers that I had my desire. I wasn’t pretending, I actually felt like I had it! I so strongly believed in it that it came to me (and fast!) You can read more about it here, “How to Use the Law of Assumption with Examples.”
• Journaling / Scripting Your Desires
Write out in your journal your desire as if it has already manifested. Use present or past tense to describe how you received your desire and how it feels to have it.
• Become The Person Who Has Your Desire
Embody the feeling of having your desire now.
How would you act if you already had it?
How would you walk?
How would you feel if you had it?
What would you wear if you had your desire?
What would you be doing?
Go and be and do those things now!
Why the Law of Assumption Doesn’t Work for Some People
• You Are Thinking About What You DON’T Want
If the law of assumption isn’t working, it may be because you are actually thinking about what you don’t want. Many people think that they are focusing on their desire, but they are actually thinking about not having their desire.
Here’s an easy way to tell what you’re focusing on, notice how you feel when you think of your desire. If you feel excitement, fulfillment, expansiveness, peace, and contentment then you are focusing on having your desire.
However, if you feel constricted, anxious, fearful, stressed, frustrated, angry, or worried then you are focused on not having your desire and the lack of it.
If you find yourself in the latter and focusing on what you don’t want, then pull back a bit and go broader. Instead of focusing on your desire, focus on a feeling that you want to have when you receive your desire.
Maybe you want to feel fulfilled? Focus on that and take your focus off of the specific desire until you can get to a place where you feel good about it again. What you are essentially going for is the feeling anyways.
• You Don’t Feel Worthy to Receive It
If you don’t feel worthy to receive your manifestation, then the law of assumption will have a hard time fulfilling your wishes. One of the most important parts of manifesting is self-love and feeling worthy. When you don’t feel worthy, you unknowingly push away your desire.
If you want help increasing your confidence and working on your self-love to help you manifest faster, my course Your Self-Love Transformation is a great place to start. You’ll learn the steps to embody your fullest potential and shift from the inside while having your outside world shift to match your new vibration.
• You Don’t Believe You Can Have It
This one ties into self-worth and what you believe is possible for you. If other people can manifest the same thing you want, then why can’t you? Even if it’s never been done before, people are always doing the impossible.
If you don’t believe you can have what you want, you have to find a way to strengthen this belief. A great way to do that is to look at success stories from other people who were once where you are now and overcame their obstacles to achieve success.
• You Give Up Before You Give It Enough Time to Manifest
We live in a dense 3D world (although that is slowly changing) and most things take some time to manifest. You may expect your desire to show up at a certain time and if it doesn’t you feel like you’ll never get it and give up. I’ve been there!
It’s best to stop putting a time limit on when you’ll receive your desire and show up every day assuming that you already have it. Different desires will take a different amount of time to manifest depending on your own beliefs. So, give them some time to fully come into form before assuming that they aren’t happening.
In my experience, 99% of the time you don’t see your desires coming, they just show up seemingly by magic out of the blue when you are persistent.
Final Thoughts – Is the Law of Assumption Real?
The only way to know for sure if the law of assumption is real is to try it out for yourself. You have to experience it and test it for yourself to know if it works for you.
In my experience the law of assumption is real. It worked for me when I wasn’t even trying to use it. I found that when you really believe your desire is yours, it has no choice but to show up in your life and fast!