Intuitive Eating For Weight Loss (How I Successfully Lost 37 LBS)
Your body is a direct reflection of what is going on in your mind and in your energy. Or as some people call it, what is going on in your vibration. It’s not as simple as calories in vs calories out.
There is an emotional reason as to why your body is the way it is. Everything in your life, including how your body looks and feels is a direct reflection of your internal environment.
If you want to use intuitive eating for weight loss, it is about getting into alignment first and following the inspired action to achieve your goal.
This past year I lost 37 pounds through intuitive eating. I got into alignment first and then followed where my intuition was guiding me. It started from the inside out and as I healed internally, my body shifted externally.
My Journey From Overweight To Losing 37 LBS
I Struggled with My Weight for As Long as I Can Remember
I was a normal body weight when I was a kid and I was always in sports. But once I turned 17 it all started to go downhill. Interestingly enough, that is when I also became depressed. It is no coincidence that I became overweight when I was also going through a depression.
I remember I was at a career fair and one guy I knew from a different town came up to me and said “I heard you were getting fat but you’re not that fat…. yet.”
That comment hurt me pretty bad. I remember I wanted to run away but I couldn’t. I wanted to run and hide and cry. I was SOOO upset. It bothered me for years and I gained more and more weight.
I Used Weight as My Emotional Shield Of Protection
Ever since then I realized how hurtful people could be and I put my guard up to protect myself. The thing is that it didn’t cause me to go the opposite way and lose weight. It caused me to gain more weight as I stuffed down my pain more and more with food. I was literally eating my emotions.
I remember I also gained weight because a guy broke up with me and hurt me really bad. At the time, I thought my whole world was ending. I never wanted to feel that pain again. So, what did I do? I ate so that I would be less attractive to guys.
I didn’t realize I was doing it at the time. I didn’t know that I was stuffing down my emotions with food. I just thought I wasn’t good at losing weight. I realize it now, many years later. I finally understand why I couldn’t lose weight for so many years.
I thought it was because I had no willpower or that I was eating out of boredom. But it was more than that, much more. I was doing it subconsciously to protect myself from pain.
I Was in a Continuous Cycle for Years
I was in a continuous cycle of trying to lose weight, failing and hating myself for so many years. With every failure, I rejected myself more and more.
I was a personal trainer for a while and that helped. I was working out so much that I lost some weight and was able to keep it off by exercising sometimes 5 hours a day. But it was too much. I started to injure myself because I was overdoing it.
I still hadn’t dealt with the underlying issues, so my extreme effort to lose weight didn’t get me too far. And if I did lose a couple of pounds, they came right back.
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I Needed to Fix the Internal First Before the External Would Reflect It
I was trying to fix my internal world with eternal things. The thing is that it never works that way. Our external world is a reflection of our internal world, not the other way around. The external world wasn’t cooperating and my internal world remained the same, hurt and alone.
I was constantly looking for love outside of myself and it was backfiring. I craved love and just wanted someone outside of me to love me. I thought that was the only way I’d be whole.
I ended up getting hurt because I didn’t love myself and I attracted people to me to prove that belief to myself. I was rejected over and over again in my relationships because I was so unhappy with myself. So, I ate more and more food and binge ate at night just to get some temporary relief from my pain. I didn’t understand this cycle and never tried to heal from the inside out.
I’d go to psychics and counselors and they told me I needed to love myself more. I didn’t understand because I thought that I really loved myself.
FINALLY, I realized that someone who loves themselves doesn’t stuff down their emotions with food EVERY SINGLE NIGHT.
No wonder why diets and exercise didn’t work for me. It wasn’t an action-based problem. It wasn’t a willpower problem. It was an internal problem that stemmed from a deeply embedded pain.
How Did I Overcome This and Finally Lose Weight After 18 Years of Struggle?
Once I realized that it was more than a food issue, I had to figure out why I was emotionally holding onto the weight. This was pretty easy for me. I knew it all along but didn’t want to admit it to myself.
So, for me there were a few reasons:
1. I Didn’t Feel Safe in Life
I used it to feel safer and more secure. I didn’t have anyone else to help me with my bills and all the pressure fell on me to support myself.
Since I am crazy and quit jobs and do spontaneous things it was difficult for me to feel secure. I will not stay long at a job I hate. I always trust that the universe will support me. But still, it left a lot of instability and my root chakra was out of balance. I ate food so I didn’t have to deal with my emotions of feeling unsafe.
2. I Was Insecure
I became really insecure after I gained the first amount of weight. Because of this, I ate more to soothe my pain and I gained more weight. It was a vicious cycle.
I was always insecure my whole life as I was never super popular in high school and no one ever wanted to date me. The more I was rejected from the outside, the more I rejected myself.
3. I Was Rejecting Myself
I did not like myself after gaining weight. So, I rejected myself and put up a ton of resistance to how I looked.
Via the law of attraction, what you reject and have resistance to will persist. So, resisting how I looked and hating it gave me more of it as that is what I was focusing on.
If I focused on the opposite by loving myself and feeling good, the universe would have given me more of that.
4. I Didn’t Want to Deal with My Negative Emotions
I literally ate my emotions so I wouldn’t have to see them. I binge ate so much because it was less painful than finally dealing with how I felt. I was sad, insecure, hurt, and felt unsafe. It was easier to eat and not think than to go within and heal from the inside out.
5. I Felt Unlovable and Really Believed That No Man Would Truly Love Me for Me
I had years between relationships and kept thinking that there was something wrong with me. I felt very unlovable. I actually thought that it just wasn’t in the cards for me. Food was like my boyfriend as it comforted me when I was sad.
6. I Was Looking to the Eternal for Answers Instead of Going Within
I googled and did so much research trying to understand why I was overweight. I tried new diets, pills, and over-exercising. But nothing kept the weight off.
I’d lose some but then before I knew it was back on me. I wasn’t going within. I was looking for an external solution in the form of a new diet or workout program that just didn’t ever seem to work or keep me motivated.
What Did I Do To Heal and Lose 37 LBS & Keep It Off?
1. I Asked For Help
Every morning I asked my spirit guides and angels to help me to overcome the emotional barriers that were causing me to hold onto this weight. I said that I was finally ready for their help to overcome it.
You don’t need to do it alone, allow others to help you. Whether it is a friend, family member, a spirit guide, or a professional. Having the support of someone else can be life-changing.
2. I Felt Secure
I healed my root chakra which has to do with how secure you feel in this world. I told myself that I was safe and that I did not need this weight to protect me anymore. I told myself that I was secure. I was the one in control of my emotions and no one could hurt me without my permission.
3. I Decided It Was Happening No Matter What
I made the decision that I was losing weight no matter what. In my mind, it was a done deal and I knew with 100% certainty I’d do it.
I imagined my thinner, fit body floating out of my current body. It felt like I was releasing the emotional outer shell that I had for so long.
4. I Followed My Heart & True Authentic Path
At the time that I was stuffing myself with pizza and doughnuts every night, I was at a job I hated. I wasn’t being true to myself at all.
So, I decided to take a leap of faith and quit to pursue where my heart really wanted to go which is my online business. Everything worked out perfectly and the weight naturally fell off for me as well.
5. I Loved My Body Just As It Was
I finally embraced my curves and didn’t hate things about them anymore. Every time I almost caught myself going down the path of being judgemental and mean to my body, I switched it around to a loving behavior. I didn’t sit there and look in the mirror and love what I saw. I just didn’t pay much attention to it and didn’t hate it.
6. I Treated My Body Well
I worked out 3x a week and treated my body well. I didn’t over-exercise or do anything crazy. I also went for walks often as a way of being kind to my body and supplying it with fresh air.
I also want to note that I did quit going to the gym for a few months due to my moving to a new location and I still kept losing weight. My body still knew what to do even when I wasn’t working out.
7. I Raised My Vibration
I did things that raised my vibration, like meditation and choosing positive emotions and thoughts. Meditation really helped to shift my vibration which made it much easier to lose weight.
Letting Go For Weight Loss
None of it felt like I was trying to lose weight. It all felt like I was letting go of my fears and negative limiting beliefs. I was letting go of the emotional baggage that was causing me to stay stuck. I was emerging as my true self. I wasn’t super focused on losing weight, just on letting go of what I no longer needed.
Something really amazing happened instantly. I was no longer craving the things I used to. I didn’t even want sugar. I only wanted to eat when I was hungry and I stopped binge eating. I stopped judging myself and the food that was going in my body. I felt like a normal person that was eating normal foods. I trusted that as I released my emotions, the weight would follow.
It got to the point that I couldn’t believe how easy the weight was falling off of me. It seemed as if every day I was losing weight. I even said, “I need to slow down, this is happening too fast!” But then I realized that was crazy. I wanted to release the fat and emotions.
Trust the Process
This was the hardest thing for me, to trust that by letting go of my deep emotions the weight would fall off.
I knew I wouldn’t lose it all in one day. I trusted in the process that I was doing the right thing.
It’s not so much about doing something new or more. We do enough things in a day. It is more about not doing something. Not beating yourself up for what you ate. Not hating your body because it isn’t perfect. It is about stopping all the things that are making you feel bad.
What Are Some Emotional Reasons for Being Overweight?
- Emotional Protection
- Denying Yourself What You Want
- Feel Undeserving
- Self-Rejection
- Feeling a Void Within
- Internal Starvation and Lack
- Protecting Yourself
- Seeking Love & Fulfillment
- Emotional Armour So Nothing Gets In
- Fat Is Holding onto Your Body Because No One Else Is
Intuitive Eating For Weight Loss: How To Do It
You have to first identify why you are overweight. Yes, maybe it is because you eat too much but WHY are you eating too much? There is a reason for it. Look at my examples above to see if any of them resonate with you.
Then you have to take the steps to heal those emotional wounds. Ask your spirit guides for help with this, they will show you how. Your healing may be different than mine. Meditate for 10 minutes to see what comes to you about how you can specifically apply this to your life.
The last thing you have to do is trust in the process. This step is the hardest. But you can do it. Trust that the foods you are eating are beneficial to you. Trust that you are getting the perfect number of calories. Trust that your guides are helping you. Trust that this is an internal process and not an external one.
Losing weight is an emotional process and things will come up to be healed. Accept that it is part of the process and that whatever comes up for you is right and perfect for you.
(Pssst…this is totally something I teach more in-depth in my online course Intuitive Eating Academy. If you are ready to transform your body through manifestation and intuitive eating, I highly suggest you check it out here.)
Thank you so much for your weight loss. I can related to weight gain and the job that I hate. I have 3 kids and I started hating how my body looks like. I tried to losing weight but nothing was happening. I will lose and gain again. So when lockdown started in South Africa, I started exercising everyday over doing it but nothing was happening to my body instead I again. I got so angry I stop exercising and told myself I must make peace with my body. I started standing naked in front of the mirror every day, telling my body how much I love it and I appreciate it. The past week one of my colleagues told me that I have lost weight and I look good but I am not exercising, I just don’t eat like I used and I feel the need to eat also. I’m very new in the Law of Attraction and I learning that many things are just an illusion. I’m also taking a leap of faith, I am also quitting my 9-5 job to spend time with my kids and doing things that I love. I have started to meditate daily chakra meditation at night and mindful meditation in the morning. I am more at peace with myself and others
I love this! 💜 Thanks for sharing your story! I think that is so great that you made peace with your body. It is so important to love our bodies first and then the weight loss follows. Congratulations on your weight loss and that is great that your colleague noticed that on you. Also, good for you for following your heart and taking that leap of faith with leaving your job. I think it’s so important to do what makes us happy. I find once we do, things do become easier because we are happy and the things that we want flow into our lives so much easier. When we aren’t happy, the resistance can block those things. Meditation is amazing. Great job on everything you are doing! 🙏