How To Trust The Universe When You Don’t Know Where Life Is Taking You
How do you trust the universe when you don’t know where life is taking you? Trusting in something you can’t see isn’t always an easy thing to do.
I was once told by someone “trust that the universe is taking care of you and that all your needs are being met.”
Those words stuck with me for many years and have helped me get through tough times in my life when I didn’t know where life was taking me.
How to Trust the Universe When You Don’t Know Where Life is Taking You
1. How to Trust the Universe – Release What is No Longer Serving You
When you let go of the things you are holding onto that are not working, it gives the universe room to allow new and better things to come into your life.
These new things can only come in when you let go of the old. If you don’t let go of the old then there is no room for the new things to enter.
Full moons are a wonderful time to let go of things that you have a difficult time releasing. I love how the full moon helps us to release that which is no longer serving us. It can often amp up your emotions into overdrive so that you can let go of these things you do not need anymore.
My emotions always seem to be heightened before and after a full moon. I always make big decisions at the time of the full moon. It is a beautiful thing to let go of that which is no longer working in your life.
Sometimes you can stay in experiences that aren’t for your highest good for a long time. But eventually, a full moon or an eclipse comes around that helps you to drop all the baggage and move on to something better.
This doesn’t always happen around astrological events. You may be at a point where you are ready to release what is no longer serving you and be done with it.
This often happens after an intense period of feeling very stressed and resistant. You get to the point where it is too painful to stay where you are so you let go and are finally willing to release it so that you can move on to better things.
As humans, we like comfortable feelings and that is why it can take us so long to let go of something. The unknown is uncomfortable.
However, you get to a point where just know that the unknown future is going to be less uncomfortable than that comfortable present. This is because the present is no longer working for you.
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2. How to Trust the Universe – Listen to Your Physical Pain
When you get pain in your body, it is telling you that something is out of balance. It is a good idea to get into the habit of asking your pain what it is there for. It is there to tell you something and to help you out.
Pay attention to the feeling you get when you think about that pain. What is it stopping you from doing? These things are all connected.
For example, my knee started hurting one day and I didn’t have any prior knee problems. I was 100% sure it is an emotional thing, as I didn’t do anything different that would have hurt it and it came completely out of the blue.
I always check in with my chakras when I get pain to see what is going on. So, I checked in and realized that it had something to do with my root chakra being blocked as the pain was in my knee. This chakra is connected to being grounded, financial security, and material needs.
Every time something in my body hurts, I also look up the spiritual meaning. I looked up Louise Hay “Knee Problems.” It said that I was being inflexible. OK great, so what does that mean?
After some soul searching, I realized that I was very set in the fact that I would not get another job as I wanted to transition straight from my current job to be a full-time entrepreneur.
I was being inflexible in how I wanted my life to go and was not willing to bend and change what I needed to. I had an idea in my head about what was best for me, and I didn’t want to compromise.
3. How to Trust the Universe – Allow Things to Unfold as They Will
Often, we think we know what is best for us and try to force our lives to go a certain way. This is called outlining. Outlining is when you tell the universe what is best for you and exactly how it should happen.
It is not always easy to trust that you are on the right path and that everything will work out for the best, so you try to control the circumstances. Believe me, I’ve done my fair share of this!
It is best to be flexible, go with the flow and not force anything to happen. This way the universe can deliver things to you in the best way possible.
Your higher self can see the path but your physical self cannot. It is impossible for us to know exactly how something will happen.
4. How to Trust the Universe – Follow Your Inspiration
When you feel inspired, it is your higher self’s way of communicating with you and letting you know that someone is right for you. It’s saying, “yes, do this!”
Inspired action is an action that feels good and right. It often doesn’t even feel like work. It feels like the next logical step while feeling good at the same time.
When you are feeling that nudge from the universe and inspired to go do something, don’t hesitate!
The energy is the most powerful at the exact moment you receive the inspiration and is dwindles down if you procrastinate on taking action. You will get the best results if you act when you feel it.
5. How to Trust the Universe – Ask the Universe for Help
You can ask anyone for help when you are struggling. This includes the universe, source (God or whichever god you worship), your spiritual team, your higher self, or even a human.
When you ask for help, you will always get it. It just may show up different than how you expect it to. So being open to how it shows up is important.
Pay attention to the signs from the universe that you get and what nudges and inspiration you get.
When asking spirit for help, it’s important that you are specific and that you ask. If you don’t ask, then it’s more difficult for them to help. They respect your free will and won’t interfere without your permission.
You may not always see how they are helping you, but rest assured they are. You may come across synchronistic events that were orchestrated by spirit.
Your job is to release control and be open and ready to take action when it feels good.
6. How to Trust the Universe – Make Peace with Where You Currently Are
Making peace with where you are is a form of surrender. It doesn’t mean that you want to be here or that you don’t want anything better. It means that you accept that this is your current reality and all your actions and thoughts of your past have brought you here.
I was the worst at doing this in the past because I thought it mean that I accepted and liked where I was and therefore nothing would change.
It’s quite the opposite. If you accept your current reality and see the beauty in it, it releases resistance to your reality. Then things can change.
If you like where you are the universe will bring more things of that frequency to you. Aka, it will bring more things to you that you like.
I understand how difficult it can be to make peace with where you are but it’s a powerful way to let go and trust the universe to help you out.
7. How to Trust the Universe – Surrender to Divine Timing
When you want something, there is often diving timing involved. How long does diving timing take? It depends on many factors.
But if you want something and it’s not in your current reality, it doesn’t mean it’s not on its way. It might mean that things are getting lined up behind the scenes with diving timing.
If what you want involves someone else, then things have to get lined up in that person’s life so you can meet and even possibly in someone else’s.
Just as an example, if you are supposed to meet a soul mate and the universe is orchestrating it to happen through a mutual friend, this involves 3 different people.
So, you all have to be lined up with the right energy to manifest this meeting. This is called divine timing.
Or perhaps, this other person needs to learn one thing before he meets you. If he didn’t learn this one thing first, then your relationship wouldn’t last long. So, divine timing will let him learn it first before meeting you so that when you do meet, you have a great relationship.
8. How to Trust the Universe – Take a Break from What’s on Your Mind
If you are constantly trying to solve a problem and nothing is happening, it’s time to take a mental break from it. Pushing harder won’t help you to solve it and will leave you frustrated.
Part of trusting the universe is to allow things to unfold and trust that you will receive the answers when you are open and ready to receive them. If you are in a stressed state, it’s really hard to receive diving guidance.
So, give yourself permission to do something completely different that will take your mind off of it even if it’s only for a few hours.
Do something you enjoy and where you know you won’t be thinking of it. Physical activity is great because it takes you out of your head, into your body, and into the present moment.
You’ll find that your intuition kicks into high gear when you are relaxed and when you are NOT thinking about the thing you want help with.
It’s funny because when you move on to something else, that is when you are more open to receiving intuitive information because there is no longer a blockage there. Everything is free-flowing.
Have you ever noticed when you were doing something mindless like cleaning or taking a walk, you receive so many insights into things you wanted help with?
That’s how intuition works, it pops in when you are least expecting it.
Even if you don’t’ receive intuitive insights during this break, it is still good to do it to help you to let go and let the universe take care of some things for you.
So, give yourself a day or even a few hours to let go and enjoy life. Your problem isn’t going anywhere, and you may find you are much clearer going back to it after.
9. How to Trust the Universe – Recognize You Are the Universe
You are the universe and the universe if you. You aren’t separate even though you appear to be.
Do you remember on the Lion King when Mufasa was explaining the circle of life to Simba? He was saying how everything is connected. He was right in what he was saying.
You are a part of the universe and everything within it. The universe is not an external thing, it is within you. So, when you go inwards, you are connecting the universe and all that is. The universe is you and you are it.
Letting Go of Control Vs. Completely Giving Up
Letting go is a form of surrender. Letting go is saying I’m not going to put resistance into this thing anymore and I’m going to trust the universe, my higher self, my spirit guides, etc., to bring me what I want.
Giving up is saying I’m never going to get what I want so I’m not even going to bother wanting it anymore. I don’t deserve it and it must not be meant for me, so I give up.
These are 2 very different energies and therefore will bring very different results. Surrender is very powerful. When you let go you allow the universe to bring you what you want often in an unexpected way.
I Put My Trust in the Universe & It All Worked Out
I wanted to quit my 9-5 job for a few months, but I was not in a financial position to be able to do it. That is why my knee was stiff and sore; I wanted to move forward but was worried about what would happen if I took that leap of faith.
The pain moved up into my jaw which was something I had never experienced before. I knew for sure then that my body was trying to get my attention. I needed to listen to my heart and feelings and not my head.
So, what did I do about it? I gave my notice at work without any sort of plan as to what I was going to do next.
I knew that I needed to trust that the universe would take care of me and that whatever happens is for my highest good.
My intuition told me that the job I just quit wasn’t right for me anymore. It was time to move on to something else.
I was willing to be more flexible and let the universe take me where I was supposed to go. It was guiding me to trust in things that I cannot see. I needed to trust that the universe would take care of me through the transition.
One of the most difficult things is trusting that life is taking you where you need to go. Letting go and allowing can be difficult but so rewarding.
Trust the Universe Knows What is Best for You
We can get visions in our heads about what is best for us. But life can have another plan.
Sometimes you have to trust that not being able to see the pieces of the road ahead is OK. In fact, most of the time our lives turn out different than we envision. This is not a bad thing. In fact, it can be quite exciting.
The path the universe is leading you on may even be more beautiful than what you imagine, even if you can’t see it yet.
Your higher self and the universe know what your soul needs and will lead you to where you need to go. You just need to let go and trust.
When You Trust the Universe, Your Decisions Feel Right
How do you know if you are on the right path or if you made the right decision? If you feel instant relief after your decision, then you know if it is right. Or if your intuition tells you it is right, then it is.
It is about feeling your life more than thinking about it. Tune into your heart to see if it feels right, not what your head says. If something feels right, it probably is. If your body and mind feel clearer, then you made the right decision.
After I quit my job, my body was feeling much better. I was feeling instant relief. Within a day my pain disappeared. I also had a knowing that it was the right thing to do. It was a bit scary but also exciting to see where life was taking me.
Final Thoughts: How to Trust the Universe When You Don’t Know Where Life is Taking You
Trusting in the universe that things will work out can take some practice. If you look back to past experiences where you were feeling the same way, you will see that everything did happen for the best.
Trust in divine timing and the universe to guide you to the exact thing that you need next on your journey. Things may be happening behind the scenes that you are not yet aware of.
So, sit back and enjoy the road you are on. Trust that where life is taking you is exactly where you need to be.
Hi Andy,
Thanks for the comment. I learnt it from a combination of personal experience, studying various topics such as law of attraction and asking my guides for answers. But I’d say mainly through experiencing things and then paying attention to how they unfold. I always look back at situations at see how they work out when I do different things one way vs when I do them another way.
Good work
This is an important metaphysical topic, possibly the essence of all metaphysics. Did you learn this by reading the Law of Attraction or by other means?