How To Raise Your Vibration In 10 Steps
How To Raise Your Vibration
Do you feel like things work out for other people but not you?
Like they know some magical thing you donāt? Or they are lucky, but you arenāt?
They arenāt any luckier and they arenāt using magic (well not really).
The key is in your vibration. When you raise your vibration, things naturally work out much easier for you.
If you are in the law of attraction community, then youāve likely heard how important it is to raise your vibration for manifesting. But do you know the steps to take for how to raise your vibration and why itās so important?
Why Should You Increase Your Vibe?
When you raise your vibration, you literally vibrate faster. Everything is energy and energy cannot be created or destroyed but it can change forms.
Think of water, it can be heated up to create steam and cooled down to create ice. The same thing happens to the energy that you exude.
You can vibrate higher to manifest certain things or vibrate lower to manifest other things. Vibration is just the rate the energy is moving.
When you raise your vibe and your energy is moving quicker, these are some things that will manifest for you:
- Your physical body is lighter
- You manifest 10x quicker
- You feel great
- You raise your consciousness (see things that were hidden before)
- You are extremely intuitive
- You connect to your spirit guides and divine information much easier and with more clarity
- Your relationships are smoother
- Money flows into your life
- You eat healthier and naturally crave healthy food
- Your body feels great
- Ideas come to you
- You have tons of energy
- You look more youthful, and your skin is clearer
- You experience synchronicities and inspired action
- You connect to the oneness of the universe
- You sleep better
- Your job is fulfilling
I could go on for much longer, but I know you are waiting to get to how to raise your vibration so letās dive into that next.
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Tip #1 How To Raise Your Vibration – Smile
This one will instantly raise your vibration. If you are looking for a quick, easy tip on how to raise your vibration then this is really the only one you need to shift major things in your life.
I did a smiling experiment years ago where I forced myself to smile even when I really didnāt want to.
Amazing things happened. I manifested an amazing new job, my loan got paid off and I felt amazing, light, and free. This was all literally from forcing myself to smile every hour for a couple of weeks.
I invite you to try it out for yourself and āforce’ yourself to smile even when you donāt feel like it. This will trick your brain into being happy and your vibration will naturally raise.
Do this as often as you can. I challenge you to try it out for 30 days and see what results you get.
It only takes a second and you can do it anywhere. Make sure to set reminders on your phone if it helps you to remember. After a few days, it will become natural and you will no longer need to set reminders.
Tip #2 How To Raise Your Vibration – Write A Manifestation List
This is a really fun way to raise your vibration. Every day or every couple of days write down a manifestation list of what you want to happen that day.
These can be little things or big things. I suggest putting down both.
Really go wild and write down everything you want if there was no financial limit or any other limit. Let your imagination soar. It can be simple things as well that make you feel good.
For example, it can be as simple as seeing a rainbow or receiving a free cup of coffee.
Itās important to not go back and check this too often as things can take a little longer than expected to manifest. But it definitely raises your vibration when you look back at what you did manifest.
I do want to put a caveat on this ā donāt read your list if it makes you feel bad for not having some of the things on it. Only read it when you feel good and it feels exciting.
Pay attention to what does manifest. These are the things that you donāt have resistance to. You can then repeat that manifesting formula for the bigger things you want.
Tip #3 How To Raise Your Vibration – Meditate
I know that meditation can be boring and a pain at times but if you even do 5 minutes of meditation a day, it WILL raise your vibration.
Meditation instantly raises your vibration as you let go of your thoughts and relax your body.
Do this as often as you can. But as I mentioned you donāt have to do it for long hours.
There are actually many ways to meditate. For some people, it is sitting cross-legged on a chair and listening to their breath, for someone else it might come in the form of going outside and connecting with nature.
Basically, meditation is relaxing your mind. So, if you can do anything to relax your mind it will be sufficient in raising your vibration.
Meditation is especially useful in raising your vibe when you arenāt feeling good.
But it also helps you to keep your vibe high when you are feeling good. So, it carries the good feeling momentum forward.
Tip #4 How To Raise Your Vibration ā Appreciation Lists
Appreciation is one of the highest emotions according to Abraham Hick’s emotional guidance scale. That means that when you are in the energy of appreciation, your vibration is high. You can create much faster when you are in this energy.
Write down or state out loud 3-5 things you appreciate in your life right now. Feeling the energy is enough. I like to write it down because I feel like putting things on paper makes it more solid.
It doesnāt matter how you do it, it is more about the energy that is behind it. The more you can really feel appreciation, the higher your vibration will be.
When you are sending out the energy of appreciation into the universe then via the law of attraction, more things will come back to you that you can appreciate as well.
Tip #5 How To Raise Your Vibration – Change Unwanted Experiences Into Positive Ones
If you are going through some unwanted experiences or had a bad day, you can change it to a positive one in order to raise your vibration.
This is called āchanging the pastā. Changing the past is possible because time is an illusion so in reality the past, present, and future are all happening at the same time – right now.
At the end of your day, go through everything that happened. Change the things you didnāt like into things you do like.
You can do this daily or even go back as far as you can remember in the past. You can change any experience into a positive one.
This will attract new energy to you because you arenāt holding onto the experiences that you donāt like.
For even better results, forgive everything that hurt you. While you are changing your past, send forgiveness to everyone and everything involved. Forgive yourself if you need to do that as well.
Do this as many times as you want. Once it no longer triggers you (gives you an emotional response), that means it is no longer a part of your experience that you are holding onto. You essentially have released it.
Tip #6 How To Raise Your Vibration ā Deep Breathing
Deep breathing is a great way to instantly change your vibration. It affects the chemicals in your brain and changes things within your body.
Iām not a very scientific person but check it out to see more about how it actually works.
By taking deep powerful breaths into your solar plexus (belly), you literally change the chemistry in your body.
Take 3 deep, long breaths into you every single day and especially when you feel stressed. Do this often and notice how you feel throughout the day.
Tip #7 – Journal Good Things That Happened In Your Day
Another great way to raise your vibration is to notice the good things that happened in your day.
Most of the time we forget or donāt pay attention to the good things that happen throughout our day. Often the negative things grab our attention stronger.
By remembering the good parts of your day and then bringing that energy back into your experience, youāll raise your vibe and attract more good things to you.
Then the universe will bring you more good things because you are focused on it. What you focus on expands.
At the end of the day, write down 3-5 things that happened in your day that were good. These can be big or small things. It doesnāt have to be anything crazy, just 3 wins that you had.
If you have to dig, (some days you will) you can use a positive emotion as a good thing. For example, you can write down that you had no anxiety today or that you felt at peace. It’s usually better to write down the positive aspect of the emotion rather than the lower, negative aspect.
Or use the simplest thing such as,ā the sun came out today.ā
Nothing is too small!!
Tip #8 – Do Something Kind For Someone Or Give Them A Compliment
Helping someone else or giving them a compliment will instantly make them feel good and you! This is a great way to raise both your vibrations. Itās a win/win for both of you.
Just make sure itās a genuine compliment and you arenāt just doing it to get it over with or doing it as a way to make something happen.
When you genuinely help someone from the kindness of your heart, they can feel it is genuine. Or when you see a great quality in someone and let them know, they can feel it is coming from your heart.
As this raises both of your vibrations it also ripples out all over the world and the people they encounter will benefit from it as well.
For example, someone bought my coffee in Starbucks a while ago and I had no idea who they were. They were in front of me in the drive-through.
I was having a bad day and felt pretty down. But once they did that and they got no recognition (because we were in the drive-through), I felt really good. I then bought someoneās coffee the next time I went to Starbucks.
Do you see how it ripples out? The energy of the collective affects you individually and you individually affect the energy of the collective.
So, it does more than raise your vibration, it really contributes to the bigger picture as well.
Tip #9 How To Raise Your Vibration – Fresh Air
Another instant way to raise your vibe is to get fresh air. When you step outside into the fresh air, your biochemistry changes and you naturally and instantly raise your vibration. Nature is really great for this.
When you go outside, take some deep breaths in. Imagine it permeating through each one of your cells and revitalizing them with all that natural air.
As a bonus to yourself, walk barefoot on the ground to really ground yourself to mother earth. Gaiaās beautiful energy will help to raise your vibration.
Tip #10 How To Raise Your Vibration – Self-Care Ritual
Do one thing in your day that is a self-care ritual for you. This is important for keeping your vibration high and as a way to recharge.
For example, having a bubble bath, cooking a delicious meal, petting an animal, watching a funny show, or talking to your best friend.
Be sure to include one thing in your day that you know makes you feel good (even if you feel like you donāt have time.)
This shows the universe that you are taking care of you which signals to it that it can also provide ways to take care of you via the law of attraction.
Final Thoughts
Raising your vibration is one of the best ways to work with the law of attraction to begin to manifest what you want. When your vibration is high then the things you want naturally begin to make their way to you.
When you raise your vibration as well, you feel great!
This affects everything around you from the food you eat (which contributes to how your body looks and feels), to the career path you choose and how much money comes to you. It basically affects everything around you.
Also, if you do find yourself in a lower vibration, know that it is totally normal and ok. Accept it and donāt get down on yourself for it. Itās much worse to get upset about any lower negative emotions than it is to have negative emotions.
Youāre doing great! Use these tips to naturally raise your vibration every single day and watch how your life begins to transform.