How To Manifest With The Law Of Attraction
How To Manifest With The Law Of Attraction
Knowing how to manifest with the Law of Attraction is a powerful tool. Manifestations using the Law of Attraction aren’t as simple as thinking a thought and having them happen instantly. This is actually a good thing because we can have some negative thoughts as well that we don’t want to show up in our experience.
Applying the Law of Attraction is more than just thinking, it is also feeling what you want. You have to be a vibrational match to the vibration of the manifestation before it happens. You will have to practice that vibration before the actual manifestation comes into your reality.
You might believe in the Law of Attraction but wondering how to manifest what you want? Below are a few tips that will help you to do just that.
How to Manifest Tip #1 – Give Positive Thoughts More Airtime
A good way to go about this is giving more air time to happy thoughts. Happy thoughts will manifest faster than negative thoughts. The reason for this is because happy thoughts are on a higher vibration. Higher vibration manifests more quickly than lower vibration.
If you are giving 70% focus to happy things and 30% focus to negative things the scale is tipped in your favor and you will start to get evidence of what you want.
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How to Manifest Tip #2 – Go General On Some Subjects
Sometimes it is hard to jump into a happy thought about something especially if you are used to focusing negatively on the situation. A good way to move up the emotional scale is to go general about whatever subject is bothering you for a while until you can move up to generally happy. You don’t have to try to think specific happy thoughts because they will only make you feel worse.
Going general about a subject will make it happen faster than going specifically negative.
For example, if you are upset about your current job because it pays bad, you don’t like the location, you don’t like the hours, etc., those are pretty specific thoughts. If you can focus on just getting a good job that you like and don’t go into any more details than that, that general thinking is a lot better than specific negative thinking.
How to Manifest Tip #3 – Ignore Negative Realities
Try your hardest to ignore the reality of things that you don’t like. It can be difficult with things like body image or money that you have to deal with every day but try your best to not think about them.
Don’t check yourself out in the mirror every time you wash your hands if you don’t like what you see. Don’t check your bank account multiple times a day if it gives you a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach. Ignore the reality of your current displeasing situation as much as you are able to.
By constantly paying attention to what you don’t like you are basically creating more of it in your life. Ignoring it will help to shift your reality to something you’d like better.
I know some people say you should face your problems but there is a difference between not focusing on what isn’t working and facing it. You face it every day you wake up. You can’t run away from your problems because you take yourself everywhere you go. So you are indeed facing them every day.
It is a matter of not dwelling and bringing a solution into focus by thinking about what you want. The only way to get the solution is to stop thinking about the problem.
How to Manifest Tip #4 – Think More About What You Do Want Than What You Don’t Want
This is kind of similar to the above point. Think about the types of things that you do want as long as no negative thoughts creep in. Think about having lots of money as purely as you can.
If you start to feel bad about not having a lot of money, then go back to ignoring it. Only think about things if they make you feel good. Start making up positive things that you want and stay in that vibration as long as you can.
How to Manifest Tip #5 – Pretend as If What You Want Has Happened
Act as if. How would a healthy person act, or a rich person? Act as if you are in the role already.
The universe doesn’t know if it’s real or not. So if you start acting as if then the universe will bring more of that to you. It will shift your vibration into the one you are acting like.
Would a rich person give away $5 to charity? Yes, so be that person. You don’t have to be reckless but really try to think about how the person you want to be would act.
How to Manifest Tip #6 – Focus on 1 Positive Thing and Ignore the 10 Negative Things you have Been Thinking About
This point combines the above 2 but it is good to explain it a bit more. If you have 10 negative things in your life and one positive thing, then ignore the 10 problems and focus on the one positive thing.
Manifestations will happen faster by focusing on one positive thing than trying to fix 10 negative things. If you can do it long enough all the negative things will turn positive just by focusing on the one thing in your life that IS working. The 10 negative things will magically work themselves out if you are focused on the one positive thing that is going on in your life.
How to Manifest Tip #7 – Know That Emotion is a Manifestation
Use emotion to your advantage. The first manifestation you will have is emotion. If you feel sad, that is OK. Now that you know where your vibration is at you can change it. You’d never be able to change it if you didn’t know. Negative thoughts can be very helpful in giving you insight.
If you are happy most of the time, then you are on the right track and manifestations will start showing up in your life sooner than later. Emotions are the first sign of what type of manifestations you will have.
So don’t just think that being happy has no value. First of all, you are happy which in itself is enough!
Next, realize that means that you will soon receive a thing or things that you’ve been wanting as long as you stay in that happy place and don’t give up too quickly.
How to Manifest Tip #8 – Know that it’s Possible to Have Anything You Want
Anything that you can dream of is possible and nothing is off-limits. Anything your mind can create can be done. If you can envision it and you believe it can happen then it is possible.
But if you don’t believe it and aren’t in the right vibration then it won’t happen. Belief plays a huge role in your manifestations appearing or not appearing. So even just knowing that it is possible is the first step to manifestation.
How to Manifest with the Law of Attraction – Conclusion
Learning how to manifest with the Law of Attraction can take some practice. It is similar to working a muscle, the more you use it the easier it becomes.
By applying the tips above, you will be doing just that and strengthening that muscle. Give it time and realize that your manifestations won’t happen instantly but they will happen if you are doing the things above on a continual basis.