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  1. I work nights in my pistachio orchard irrigating the trees sometimes when its needed and one night I was flushing out the hoses on the end of a row with only the light of my headlamp illuminating the area. There was no moon so it was as dark as it gets all around except for right in front of me where the light was shining. Suddenly i heard something say my name very definitively in a raspy womans voice in the dark. It was incredibly frightning and gave me the feeling that i needed to get the hell out of there so i sealed off the irrigation line ran over to my car and left as fast as i possibly could. There was most certainly nobody out there but me and since then i have a much harder time working in that orchard at night. What do you think this could mean and what do you think it might have been?

    1. Thanks for sharing. I hope you can get it figured out and find some peace while you work. I don’t know who it is or what it could have been. There could be so many possibilities of who and why.

      You can ask the person who they are if you feel comfortable doing so and you can ask them to leave. Be assertive and tell them that you don’t want them there. Sometimes it’s as easy as letting spirit know that you don’t want them around. If they don’t leave you can try some protection techniques (there are many suggestions online), or go to a psychic medium who can communicate directly with the spirit to get more info and get it to leave.

  2. When I was a kid I often heard my Mom call my name and I’d get up and go to her and she’d say “I didn’t call you.” She also said the same thing happened to her as a child. I figure it’s pretty innocent, but I also had an unusual sleep routine. As I was trying to fall asleep, my mind would be hyper and I’d toss my head back and forth on my pillow. I would hear a multitude of undefinable male voices chatting/murmuring until I was almost asleep then one would shout my name clearly and kind of startle me. That was my cue I could then fall asleep in peace. I outgrew the pillow thing, but the voices carried on into young adulthood until I learned to reject it/control it and I no longer have these episodes. I’ve also had experiences like the previous gentleman where I would wake up or sometimes get certain feelings that was something was going to happen. Then I would get a call my favorite cousin was in an accident or such. My Aunt had a dream as a child that her Grandmother died, shortly before she did, with no preconceived notions. She was maybe 3 or 4. She believed it prepared her for the real event as she loved her greatly. I know a lot of stories like this but people don’t talk about them for fear of ridicule or worse. It’s a shame. Thanks for sharing this. It helped me feel better about my experiences.

    1. Thanks for sharing. That is very interesting! It’s great that you’ve learned to control it. It sounds like these abilities are in your family line as well. Yes, there are many people who’ve had these experiences who don’t openly share them. I’m glad it helped 🙂

      P.S. Sorry I didn’t reply sooner, I didn’t see this comment until today in my inbox.

  3. Just weeks ago I lost a very close friend of mine and well somehow yesterday I’ve heard my voice but, I felt calm talked back and didn’t get a response to see if it was that person who spoked my name. So I guess I’ll learn and look into more.

    1. I’m sorry to hear about your friend Gloria. Yes, absolutely keep practicing to get more information. It may come in when you are least expecting it. Blessings to you.

  4. This evening, My 14 year old son left the house to go hang with a friend and it’s just my 7 year old son and I sitting in the living room watching a Christmas movie. About 15 – 20min later, I heard my 14 year old say, “Mom!” As if he were going to ask me something or tell me something. I just watched him walk out of the front door and I knew for certain he wasn’t home. I surely wasnt going to ask my 7 year old if he heard it, but my 7 year old looked over at me and says, “Did you just hear that?” I said, “Hear what?” He says, “I just heard my brother say Mom?” I looked at him and said, “Yes, I heard it too!” What does this mean? Why was my 7 year old able to hear it at the same time?

    1. Hi Shauna,

      My first thought is that it might be a telepathic connection. You will have these connections with people you are close to and who you spend the most time with. It may have been your son thinking of you or talking about you and both you and your other son might be in a telepathic bond with him to pick it up. Young children are more open and can receive a lot of information.

      Think of it like a group chat where one person sends a message and everyone else in the group receives it.

      I can’t say for sure this is what it is, but it is what popped into my intuition when I read your comment.


  5. In my early 20s, I would hear my dad or my brother say my name as if they were standing beside me and we were on different sides of the state. It would always freak me out that I was hearing my name called. But then I also get feelings that something is gonna happen and it does. Last year I woke up with a heavy heart in the middle of the night and couldn’t stop crying so I hopped on Facebook and saw a notification that my aunt had passed away. Any insight to what this is would definitely be appreciated.

    1. That’s very interesting Julie, I can see how that would freak you out. My thoughts are maybe that your dad and brother were thinking about you and you were picking up on their energy and perceiving it through sound.

      Everyone picks up energy differently, some people see things, other people feel things, and some people hear things. Even if they weren’t necessarily speaking to you, your intuitive senses received it as sound. That is just one thought that popped into my head. See if it resonates with you.

      To me, it sounds like you have a very strong intuition. So, you picked up on something happening while it was happening before anyone told you about it. You are very tuned into energies and it sounds like you are very connected to your family members as you pick up information from them.

      If you don’t want to pick up on these things, you can set the intention to do that and ask your spirit guides for help. You can put colors around your aura to protect you from other people’s energy (whatever color feels right to you) and imagine a wall or some sort of shield between you and them. I know people who have completely shut off their psychic senses because of the information they were getting. It’s a choice that is completely up to you what you want to do with it. Intention is powerful.

      If you’d like to explore it more, you can practice tuning into different energy and opening up your senses even more. I find practice helps because it gives you more control over when intuitive information comes in. Classes and workshops are helpful for practicing with other people who are interested in these things as well. I’ve taken many workshops in my local community that were very beneficial and helped me to understand these abilities much better as well as develop them further.

      See what feels right for you and what you’d like to do. I hope this helps.

  6. I have been hearing my name called my entire life I am now 57. I always knew the voice, last night Oct. 14,2022 I let my pups out and I heard someone call my name… sounded male, and I did not recognize it. I am fairly new on my awakening journey so perhaps it is connected to that.

    1. Very interesting Shelley! It absolutely could be connected to that.

      My first thought is that the name you don’t know could perhaps be a new spirit guide coming in. We all have spirit guides. Our main one is with us our entire lives but other ones can pop in and out depending on where you are on your journey and what you need at that time. Since you said you are new to the awakening journey, maybe he is here to help you with that.

      Or possibly you are opening up your clairaudient abilities even more and hearing an earthbound spirit or even someone from your soul family.

      Those are just a few thoughts, but see what resonates with you. If you feel comfortable you could even try speaking with it.

  7. As a child when sleeping I would hear my name called. It sounded like my mother (she was alive at that time). Now, to this day, my named called is by many voices, some familiar, some not, but I am comfortable with the sound. Today, I am frequently hearing a faint voice calling my name and I am awake. Like you mentioned, I have sometimes asked not to call my name when sleeping, as it wakes me up.

    1. That is so interesting Maureen! Yes, you are allowed to set those boundaries. If it’s a benevolent spirit (which it sounds like it is) it will respect your wishes to not wake you up.

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