Everyone is You Pushed Out: What This Really Means
The term “everyone is you pushed out” has become more popular recently and for good reason. When working with the law of attraction and the law of assumption this statement can help you to understand what you are manifesting as everyone is a reflection of your own energy.
What Does Everyone Is You Pushed Out Mean?
The term “everyone is you pushed out” isn’t a literal meaning. This is where it can become confusing as some people assume that everyone in their life is a complete reflection of them.
What it actually means is that the people in your life are partial reflections of aspects within you. People show up for you in relation to your own beliefs about yourself and about them.
So, if you have a mean brother, it doesn’t mean that you are mean like him. What it’s actually showing you is that there is some aspect within him that you carry within yourself. You have to look at how you feel when he acts that way to figure out what it is.
As an example, if your mean brother makes you feel like you aren’t good enough when he’s being mean, then look at where you don’t feel good enough. You see, it’s not saying you are mean but the emotion he is causing you to feel is what he is reflecting back to you.
Always look at the emotion of how you feel and not the behavior of the person when trying to understand everyone is you pushed out.
Can some people be exact mirrors to you as well? Yes, they can! Once again look at how they are making you feel.
People Show Up How You Expect Them To
The other part of everyone is you pushed out is that people will show up how you assume them to show up. Everyone has assumptions of how people are in their life. When you expect someone to be a certain way, that is how they’ll show up for you.
As you heal within yourself and as you assume people to be different, they will show up differently for you.
There is No One Else in Your Reality but You
Everyone is you pushed out is connected to the concept that we are all one. No one is any different than you, as they are you. This can be tricky to understand.
I like to think of it like a movie, you are the main star, but you are also all the other actors and the director and the producer, etc. Basically, you are running the show. How you script out the show is determined by your beliefs and expectations.
Since you are them and they are you, there is no one outside of you. Everyone is you. If you want to change others, you only need to change yourself.
It may seem like an odd concept but the only way to know your truth is to test it out for yourself. I always say never take my word for it, always listen to your own truth. Be the observer and notice what happens to others as you change and as you change your expectations of them. Do they act differently or the same around you?
How to Work with Everyone Is You Pushed Out
You can work with this principle to receive different reflections from people in your world. You are the creator of your own life, and you get to decide how people show up for you.
So how do you do this?
There are a few ways:
1. Heal Within Yourself
The first way is to look at the emotions that others are bringing out in you. The people who make you feel good, you’ll want to keep your expectations of them. But the ones who bring out emotions you don’t care for are the ones that you’ll want to change.
Write a list of the emotions you feel when someone acts in a way that you don’t like. Remember, not to write out the behavior, but how you feel when the behavior is happening. Then work on healing that aspect.
For example, if your boss yells at you when you do something wrong it may make you feel unappreciated, incompetent, and not very smart. Now that you know that it’s up to you to go about healing those aspects within yourself. Once you heal them, your boss will treat you differently or something will happen where you’ll no longer be around them. Maybe they’ll transfer or you’ll get a new job. Either way, you’ll no longer experience those emotions (at least not as strongly) once you work on healing them.
2. Assume People Will Treat You a Certain Way
The second way you can go about changing everyone is you pushed out is to look at the people who treat you in a way that you don’t like and assume they’ll show up differently for you.
So, if your boss gets mad at you when you screw up, imagine that next time he is very kind and offers kind words of guidance instead of yelling. Visualize this over and over again until it feels real. It most likely won’t happen right away (although it can) but eventually, he will act differently around you as you expect him to act differently.
You can do this for anyone you want. It will be easier for some people in your life than others depending on your relationship with them and how long the behavior has been going on.
This technique and the first one go hand-in-hand and it’s beneficial to work on both for the best results. I do recommend doing the healing at the same time because it’s easier to expect people to show up differently when you heal within yourself first.
Everyone is You Pushed Out – What Happens When You Shift Your Vibration?
As you heal and shift your own energy, either the people in your life will leave and change, or how they show up for you will be different.
So, your mean brother may all of a sudden not show that part to you anymore. He may show you kindness when he’s around you instead.
It doesn’t mean that the people in your life have necessarily changed, but how they show up for you will be different. Because they can’t continue to be the same in a new energy. Your frequencies mirror each other. Therefore, if they change, you will show up differently for them as well.
Final Thoughts – Everyone is You Pushed Out
Everyone in your reality is a reflection of an aspect within yourself. People show up how you expect them to. If you change internally, you’ll see a new reflection in the people in your life. If you change how you expect them to be, they’ll show up differently for you.
Everyone is you pushed out isn’t just referring to the humans in your life. It also applies to any animals that you have or that you encounter. Every being is you pushed out in some form.