Does Intuitive Eating Work? What You Need To Know
You’re likely here because you’ve heard of intuitive eating and are thinking of trying it but are curious, “does intuitive eating work?” The answer to this is it depends on what you are looking to use it for.
Are you looking for weight loss?
Are you looking for weight gain?
Do you want to be healthier?
Or perhaps you want more energy?
Yes, it can work for all these things. Now you might be confused because I said you can lose weight, or you can gain weight. Intuitive eating moves your body into its ideal version of itself.
If you are very thin and your body will thrive with more weight, then you’ll add weight. If you are overweight and your body will thrive with less weight, then it will lose weight. Your body will try to find its best balance with intuitive eating.
What Is Intuitive Eating?
Intuitive eating is listening to your body about what it wants to eat and not relying on anything outside of yourself to tell you what, when, or how to eat.
As an example, we live in a world that says lunchtime is at 12:00. Why does everyone have to eat then? What if you aren’t hungry yet? What if you are hungrier earlier? The system doesn’t know your body and when it’s best for you to eat.
Intuitive eating isn’t just about listening to your hunger cues, but also paying attention to how you feel after you eat. If you eat something that you think is right for you but you have a stomachache after, you need to re-evaluate that choice.
Is there something else you can try? Once you do try something different next time, once again look at how it makes you feel. Intuitive eating is all about paying attention to the subtle or not-so-subtle clues that your body is giving you.
Does Intuitive Eating Work?
In my own personal experience, I can say that yes, intuitive eating works to help you thrive. But I can only comment on my experience and no one else’s.
The reason why some people think that it doesn’t work for their goals is that they may not be doing it properly and only think that they are.
For example, your body would never tell you to eat 10 cupcakes and 5 ice cream cones in one sitting. However, your fear and emotions might tell you that.
Your intuition and body know EXACTLY what you need to thrive and there is no better way than tuning into it for this guidance.
Everyone’s body is unique which is why intuitive eating is so helpful. You listen to your body, not some ‘guru’ who doesn’t know you or your body at all.
What you want to eat this month may be different than next month and that’s ok! Intuitive eating is all about listening to your body.
Also, as you go through different spiritual shifts your body will want and require different things. It’s all about energy and tuning into your body vs what your mind thinks.
The way I approach intuitive eating is by getting into alignment FIRST and then tuning into your body. Because if you aren’t in alignment, it’s harder to hear the wisdom of your body.
Also, when you are in alignment you naturally want different types of foods. If you feel sad, you aren’t going to want to eat a carrot. But if you feel good, you’ll naturally want to eat fruit and vegetables.
My Experience with Intuitive Eating
My experience with intuitive eating may be different than someone else’s as I did not follow anything I saw on the internet. I literally just followed my intuition and also worked with manifestation.
I set a goal to lose 30 lbs and exceeded it by losing 37 lbs with intuitive eating and manifestation. I tried every diet imaginable in the past as well as procedures that didn’t work. I also overexercised and completely wore out my body by exercising 5 hours a day sometimes.
This time I decided that I was literally going to just follow my intuition when it came to eating. But first, I lined up my energy. I wanted to be in the highest vibration I could be while I embarked on this journey.
This looked like doing a lot of meditation, quitting a job I hated, pursuing my passion, going out into nature a lot, doing light exercise and movement for my body, and doing things that I enjoyed.
I didn’t lose the weight overnight; it took me almost a year to exceed my goal. However, I was either losing weight or maintaining it while not feeling deprived. I bought all my favorite foods and kept them in my house so that I never felt deprived. I wasn’t even tempted to eat them because my vibration was high, and I didn’t resonate with those foods much anymore. However, when I did want them I let myself eat whatever I wanted until I felt satisfied. I didn’t binge eat, I listened to my body.
When I raised my vibration, it was so much easier to lose weight. I naturally began to crave healthy food and naturally didn’t want processed foods anymore. This made my health so much better as I used to eat processed food daily. I naturally quit drinking alcohol and quit eating meat. I didn’t even try to do it, it came naturally.
This is what happens when you line up your energy first and then listen to your intuition, it all feels natural, and you don’t feel deprived.
The way I eat intuitively and now maintain a healthy body weight is by doing 3 steps:
1. I Line up my energy
2. I Listen to my intuition
3. I Observe how I feel and how my body responds
I’ve had great success with intuitive eating, and it has worked for me. However, I understand that it may not work for everyone depending on what their goals are and how much they are following their intuition.
My approach got me the results I wanted. If you want results with intuitive eating and manifesting weight loss, my course Intuitive Eating Academy can help you. You’ll learn the exact steps I did to manifest weight loss. I guide you through your own journey of lining up your energy and connecting with your intuition.
Why Alignment is Important When Eating Intuitively
As I mentioned earlier, my approach may be a little bit different than other people’s. They share the same principles but mine has another piece to it. That piece is energy alignment. The way I teach and approach intuitive eating is first getting into alignment and then stepping into intuitive eating.
If you’re missing the alignment piece then it is harder to tune into your body and you may be doing intuitive eating wrong. Someone who is in alignment always chooses what is best for their body.
Someone who isn’t in alignment has to use willpower and force to try and make the best choice and uses their logical mind instead of their body for guidance.
If your body is telling you to eat a dozen doughnuts, that is not your intuition. That is your emotions trying to not feel something while stuffing them down inside of you. Your body is made from nature and would never give you that signal. This is why working on your intuition and getting into alignment is so important when doing this work.
Fear can take over and cause you to eat emotionally vs intuitively. In my course Intuitive Eating Academy, I teach you how to get into alignment FIRST and then intuitively eat. My course is also a manifestation course, so it adds that component to intuitive eating as well.
Final Thoughts – Does Intuitive Eating Work?
It depends on what you are wanting intuitive eating to do for you. However, from my experience, intuitive eating does work to help you manifest health, energy, and your ideal body.
Intuitive eating works if you do it right and are eating intuitively and not from a place of fear or lower vibration. This is why it’s so important to line up your energy first before diving into intuitive eating.
Pssst…this is something I teach more in-depth in my online course Intuitive Eating Academy.
Losing weight is unique to everyone, it’s not a one way fits all approach.
Learn the exact steps I took to lose 40 lbs through intuitive eating and manifestation.
If you are sick of dieting and deprivation and want to create lasting weight loss in a way that works for your own unique body, check out Intuitive Eating Academy here.