12 Dark Night Of The Soul Symptoms You Need To Know
Dark night of the soul symptoms are very common if you are going through a dark night of the soul. Most of the time there are common things that show up that are related to this profound transformation.
A dark night of the soul can be described as a tower moment when everything seems to be crumbling and falling apart. This can seem like a bad thing and can be really confusing especially if you’ve been on a spiritual journey and doing lots of inner work.
It is in fact a really good sign that you are moving into a higher consciousness. A dark night of the soul purges all that no longer serves you and the things that you can’t take with you into your new evolution of consciousness.
12 Dark Night of the Soul Symptoms
1. You Feel Like You’re Dying (Not Literally but Figuratively)
A common dark night of the soul symptom is that you may feel like you’re dying. This of course isn’t literal but because you are going through such a deep transformation, it can feel like a death.
In a sense, it is a death. It is a death of a part of you and your ego. You are shedding all that no longer serves you and it can feel very difficult.
Think of the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly. It goes into a dark cocoon to come out reborn as a new creature. It’s still the same caterpillar but it’s transformed.
Remember after a painful experience, beautiful new experiences await you. There is light at the end of the tunnel, and you won’t feel like this forever. You are going through a transformation.
2. You Are Confused
When you go through a dark night of the soul, it can be confusing. Your soul knows what is going on, but your mind doesn’t. Your mind tries to make sense of it, but it can’t. This is why it’s important to tune into your soul and intuition for information.
You are going through this experience for a reason. A dark night of the soul is pulling you away from your logic and asking you to look into your heart and soul.
It is asking you to open up your mind to the possibilities that it knows what is going on even if it makes no logical sense to you. Through this confusion, you’ll tune into your heart for the answers to your questions, not your mind.
3. You Feel All Alone (Like No One Understands)
A dark night of the soul is very lonely. Most people around you won’t understand exactly what is going on because they can’t feel what you can, and it is hard to describe it. So, you may find yourself feeling very alone at this time.
Know that you are never ever all alone. You always have your spirit guides and guardian angels with you even if you can’t see them. They are there helping you through this intense process.
4. You Don’t Want to Participate in Life
During a dark night of the soul, you may want to sleep a lot or be alone. You may find yourself not wanting to do any of the things you did before. You are going through a huge transformation, so this is normal.
After your dark night of the soul, you will get back to the things you did before, or you may find that you scrap some things and introduce new things. This is because your energy is shifting so the things you are interested in now will be different. This is a good thing! It shows that you are expanding your consciousness and shifting frequencies.
During this time, it’s completely normal to not want to do much and to pause your activities and things you normally do to integrate this new energy.
5. You Don’t Care About Mundane Things
When you go through a dark night of the soul, you likely won’t care as much about ordinary daily things. You are going through a massive transformation and those things aren’t high on your priority list right now.
There is nothing wrong with you if this happens, it’s part of the process. Allow yourself to take a break from caring about the little things that you used to. You are now exploring deeper, and your mind is focused on that.
6. You Feel a Deep Sadness and Cry a Lot
Another dark night of the soul symptom is feeling very sad and crying a lot. You feel a deep sadness because you are purging layers of your ego.
It can feel like you are mourning the loss of someone and you kind of are. You are mourning the loss of old layers of yourself. It may not feel much different than grieving someone else and you may not even know why you feel so sad.
Allow yourself to be sad and cry without judgment or trying to figure out why. You may not know why. The important thing is that you are releasing things that no longer serve you.
7. You Want to Be Alone
You will likely want to be alone when you go through the most intense periods of the dark night of the soul. This isn’t the same for everyone, but most people will find it hard to be around others.
This is especially true if you are an empath and are sensitive to other people’s energy. Your sole focus needs to be on yourself right now and you won’t have it in you to be around anyone else. You are healing at deep levels and all your focus and energy should be on yourself.
8. Loss of Motivation
Another dark night of the soul symptom is a loss of motivation and willpower. You may find it difficult to do things. You are going through such an intense transformation, that all your energy is on that process, and you have less energy for your normal routine or to do things that once excited you.
Allow this to happen as know that it is ok for right now. You’ll get back to your normal routine after you are through this process, and you will get your motivation back. You will get excited about life again and feel motivated towards things (likely different things than before.)
9. You Want to Sleep a Lot More
When you go through a dark night of the soul, you are shedding a lot of heavy stuff. Therefore, you may feel the need to sleep more as you heal. Your body and soul are going through a lot and sleeping helps you to get the rest you need as you go through this intense process.
Sleeping is also very healing so depending on how much you are healing is how much you’ll sleep. If you are healing old wounds and traumas from the past, you may want to sleep more to help with the process. It’s not only heavy on your emotions but your physical body as well.
When you go through an energetic shift, your physical body takes in a lot more energy and that can be very draining for it. Listen to your body and allow it to sleep if it wants to as this will speed up the process.
10. All Your Pain is Coming to the Surface
Another dark night of the soul symptom is having all your “stuff” come to the surface. This is all your past pain that is now coming up to be looked at and released.
This means you are ready to see it and release it. Before you weren’t ready otherwise it would have come up already. But it is coming up now because your higher self knows it is ready.
You may feel like your heart hurts as you release recent pain and also from long ago. Allow yourself to grieve as this process is very healing for you.
11. Life Feels Meaningless
During your dark night of the soul, you may begin to question life a lot more. You may find that your 3D life right now feels meaningless. It’s not that it is, but what is happening is that you are shifting. So, you are questioning your life up until now. The things that used to feel important may no longer feel that way.
You may long for “home” and want to go “home”, away from earth. This is common for starseeds and lightworkers as they miss where they are originally from.
You are beginning to remember that earth isn’t your primary home, and you are experiencing the separation of being away from your home and the people there. You likely won’t remember this on a conscious level, it is your soul remembering.
12. Your Body is Transmuting Energy
The last dark night of the soul symptom has to do with how your body feels. You are transmuting a lot of energy and your body feels this. Everyone is unique so how you experience this will be different than someone else. Some things you may feel are:
- Loss of appetite
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Weird aches and pains (as the energy moves throughout your body)
- Tiredness
- Dizziness
- Low energy
What To Do If You Are Going Through a Dark Night of the Soul
It’s important to be patient with yourself during this time as so much is happening energetically. You may not see this in your physical world yet, as it takes time for this new energy to shift your life. But you will eventually see physical manifestations after your dark night of the soul.
Understand that there is a ton of stuff happening energetically and your outside world may appear to be stuck or not going anywhere. Rest assured that things will start moving again and you will begin manifesting again. But right now, you are doing so much energetic work and that is your soul’s highest priority.
Your priority right now should be to rest and take care of yourself as much as you can. Now is not the time to push ahead and try to make something happen. Right now is the time to integrate the new energy and allow yourself to shift.
In Conclusion – Dark Night of the Soul Symptoms
You will experience many dark night of the soul symptoms when you go through this experience. This is because you and your body are processing a ton of energy. It may feel really uncomfortable for a while, and you are likely to feel drained. Know that this is normal and that it won’t last forever. It will get better, and you will not feel this way forever.
Be gentle with yourself and allow yourself and your body to do what it needs to. Even if you want to keep pushing ahead, your body and soul may be asking for you to do something different such as rest. Honor that as it will help you to process the energy quicker.
Coming out of a dark night of the soul is an amazing experience as you literally feel like a new person with a new perspective on life.
Even though it can feel rough during the process, you will come out the other side with an upgraded consciousness and understanding of life.
This, in turn, will affect your physical world because you are holding a new vibration within you. When you shift energetically, your outside world has to shift to match your new frequency.