Cats Energy Healing: 7 Beautiful Ways They Help You
Do you know that cats do more than just eat, sleep and play? They are very high vibrational creatures, and cats energy healing can help their human companions in various ways. Cats have a much higher purpose than being something cute to look at and pet. They affect their human friends in ways that help them tremendously.
If you’ve noticed that you always feel better after being around a cat, there’s a very good reason why. These little creatures are providing you with high vibrational energy so that you can feel your best and live your best life. They are very powerful transmuters of energy and can help to heal you as well as your environment.
Cats Energy Healing – 6 Beautiful Ways They Help You
1. Cats Energy Healing Can Help to Heal Your Physical Pain
Have you ever heard that cats can take on symptoms and even possibly characteristics of their human companions? This is true. Anyone or anything you spend time with will affect you and change you. Being around a cat will change both you and your cat, just as being around another person will change both of you.
Cats are very in tune with how their humans feel. They want the best for them and don’t want them to suffer. A cat will actually take on your pain and energy as a way of helping you to clear it. Cats are great at transforming negative energy into positive energy and clearing bad energy.
Next time your cat jumps on you purring away, notice what is happening. Your cats energy healing is transmuting some of your energy and clearing it from you. It’s worth it to notice where your cat is sitting as they will often be attracted to the spot that needs the most attention.
Be sure to also help your cat get rid of this energy they’ve taken from you. This can be done by feeding it nutritional meals, good water, plenty of exercise and playtime, fresh air, herbal supplements, doing your own inner work, and sufficient sleep. While they can do it on their own, all these little things help your cat to process toxic energy.
2. Cats Energy Healing Can Help to Heal Your Environment
A cats energy healing can help to clear your living space. Houses can accumulate negative energy from previous owners, fights from previous tenants or yourself, and stress that the current or previous tenants had.
Have you ever walked into a house and felt amazing and wondered why you felt so good? It’s because of the energy in the environment which is an accumulation of past and present energies.
On the other hand, have you ever walked into a house and felt bad but had no idea why? It’s because of the energy which can be from current events or past events. It doesn’t really matter where the energy came from, the important thing is to clear it.
Having a cat in your house can help to clear toxic energy and raise the frequency of the whole house just by its presence. Since a cat is a high vibrational creature, it transmutes negative energy and turns it into positive just by being in a space. It affects everything around it including people and environments.
3. Cats Energy Healing Can Help to Heal Your Pain by Showing You Unconditional Love
Unconditional love isn’t something that is always easy to come by. You may have experienced it from a parent growing up, or you may not have. Many people grew up with no one showing them unconditional love. This is what pets are great at.
Cats love you no matter what. They aren’t just around to get food and shelter from you, they truly love being in your presence. Cats don’t care what you look like, what you do for work, or what kind of stuff you have. They love you because of who you are.
Sometimes a cat will show up in your life to show you unconditional love especially if it hasn’t been abundant in your life.
Cats will not be upset with you if you change your job, gain weight, or if you don’t feel good about yourself. They love you unconditionally despite what you may think of yourself.
They are pure, innocent creatures and don’t judge you the same way you may be judging yourself or the way another human may be judging you. They are here to pour love and affection into you no matter what.
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4. Cats Energy Healing Can Help You to Heal Negative Energy and Raise Your Vibration
When you are around a cat, you feel good. Their pure energy can actually help to raise you up to a new level. If you feel down, just petting your cat can help you to feel better. When you walk into a room with cats, you instantly feel better.
When you feel good, then your whole life unfolds in a way that is pleasant to you. Your cat is sharing a huge gift with you, just by being around you and helping you to feel good. If you feel bad and need a pick-me-up, try petting a cat. Notice how much better you feel after that.
Sound frequency can also elevate your emotions. Different sounds do things to your mood. Think about how you feel when you hear someone screaming at the top of their lungs. Probably not very good. In fact, likely even just reading these words can make you feel stressed.
Now, think about how it feels when you hear a cat purring. You likely feel calm, peaceful, happy, and uplifted. Cats use sound frequency to help you feel good.
They say that cats purring help to heal them, so why wouldn’t it also help to heal you? It is especially powerful if a cat is sitting on you while purring. A cat may not be aware of what it is doing to you, but they are intuitive and know exactly what you need to feel good.
5. Cats Energy Healing Can Help to Heal Your Heartbreak
If you’re going through any sort of heartbreak, a cat can help to heal your heart. A cat is your companion and friend and won’t leave you if you’re upset. They will be around when you are sad and share their healing purrs with you during your heartbreak.
It can be tough to go through heartbreak alone but if you have a furry friend here with you, it helps you to feel not quite so alone. Their presence helps you to heal quicker and keep your heart open.
You may feel like closing down your heart after a painful situation, but a cat will help you to keep it open even if it’s hard. Ultimately, you feel better when your heart is open and not shut down. The presence of your cat will keep you from going down a path of closing yourself off from others.
6. Cats Can Help You to Heal by Getting More Exercise into Your Life
Exercise has many healing benefits and getting your body moving is really important to your physical health. When you have a cat, you move your body more. Playing with your cat not only keeps them healthy, but it keeps you healthy as well.
You may not be getting as much exercise as your cat who is chasing after a toy, but you are getting some. Getting up to get the ball across the room or even feeding them and cleaning up after them adds movement to your day. Being really interactive with your cat every day can help your physical body to get moving and keep it in shape.
7. Cats Can Help You to See Your Own Reflection
Your pets are a mirror to you just as everyone else in your life is. They reflect back to you what is going on with you internally. They help you to see things that you may not recognize.
Pay attention to how your cat acts because they are a reflection of you. If they are acting out, is there something in you that needs to be healed? If they are showing unconditional love and affection, look at how you do that for others as well. They help you to see your strengths as well as what needs to be healed within you.
Final Thoughts – Cats Energy Healing
Cats are amazing creatures for helping you to heal. They are very intuitive and know what you need. Although they are quiet and you might not realize exactly what they are doing, they know exactly what they are doing to help you. They don’t want you to suffer and if they can take away your pain, they will.
If a cat appears in your life, take note of what is going on in your life at that time. You both are coming together for a reason. If you already have a cat, pay attention to how they act as they are always helping you out in some way even if you don’t realize it.