Are You A Starseed? 11 Starseed Characteristics
Are You A Starseed?
A starseed is someone who has come from a different planet and incarnated on earth. Not everyone living on earth has had only earthly lives. Many people have come to help the earth at this time as it ascends. Many people have come from different planets and galaxies to help with the ascension of 5D earth.
These individuals can go by different names including starseeds, earth angles, indigos, or lightworkers. There are many different types of starseeds as well. A few commonly known ones are andromeda, pleadian, arcturian, sirian, orion, and avian.
11 Signs That You Are A Starseed
1. You Feel Different & Have Always Felt Different
Starseeds often feel different their whole lives. They often feel like they don’t belong or fit into ‘normal’ groups. If you’ve felt that you are somehow different then you are likely a starseed.
Maybe you never fit in with the popular kids in school. Or even now as an adult you still don’t quite feel like you fit it. You’ve never understood why because you are a likable person and have a lot to offer. But for some reason, you just don’t connect with many people on this planet.
This is because the way things are done on your planet is totally different than how they are on earth. You are interested in completely different things than most people and don’t understand how you are so different.
Embrace your uniqueness because you are here for a reason and it will become more clear all the time. You will find your soul family (if you haven’t already) and you will find individuals and groups who are more like you.
Starseeds have incarnated all over the world and are strategically placed in certain locations for a certain reason. We can’t all be in the same location because we need to help those around us. That is why you’ll find that you connect much more with people over the internet in different locations than most people who are close to your physical location.
2. Starseeds Have An Important Mission On This Planet
If you feel like you have an important mission here on earth, it’s likely because you’ve come from different a different star system and incarnated on earth at this particular time. It’s a very important time on earth as the earth and humanity ascend and many starseeds have come here to help with a particular mission.
It can be difficult incarnating from a different planet because you may not understand or agree with what the majority of people on earth think or how this planet is run. You probably feel like things should be different and you know that you have an important mission to help change the planet and the way things are done here.
3. You Don’t Understand Cruelty
Many starseeds have come from evolved planets and 5D planets where lower emotions don’t exist. These places are filled with love, happiness, and respect for every soul.
So, when you come down to earth and see how cruel some people can be, it is deeply upsetting. You may not understand how people can be so mean to other people as it is a very foreign thing to you. You know and choose to experience higher emotions such as love, peace, and respect for all souls.
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4. You’ve Had Psychic / Intuitive Experiences
If you have psychic gifts, a strong intuition, or have experienced ‘magical’ things that seem out of the ordinary, then earth is not likely the only planet you’ve incarnated from. Many starseeds have unique psychic experiences that they carry forward to their incarnation on earth.
Everyone can be psychic with practice. However, for starseeds it is usually more natural to them. Although some starseeds have had a certain event or spiritual awakening that opens up their intuitive senses to a new level or causes them to want to explore them more.
So, if you are interested in psychic things, it is a good indication that you are a starseed. This also applies if you have strong gut feelings (your intuition) and just seem to know things that other people don’t know or experience.
5. You Believe In ‘Magic’
If you believe in magic, it’s a good indication that you are a starseed. This is because where you came from magic was normal and a part of your everyday world. That is why earth can be so challenging as you are used to being able to do these ‘magical’ things.
What is magic? It can be anything that you define as magic. Maybe it’s someone miraculously recovering from a deadly disease when the doctor says there is no hope. Or perhaps it’s communicating with your spirit guides. Maybe it’s being in the exact right moment at the exact right time and having synchronistic events unfold in your life. Or perhaps it’s things like time travel, telekinesis, or premonitions.
Where you come from is magical and all though you forget most of everything from past lives, your soul still carries that energy signature and it remembers everything.
6. You Know There’s More To Life Than What You Can See With Your Physical Eyes
Starseeds know that there is so much more than what they can see with their physical eyes. If you are a starseed you know about energy, manifestation, and the law of attraction. You know that creating what you want is so much more than action. It has an unseen energetic component to it. This is why you do things to take care of your energy and raise your vibration. You understand creation and manifestation.
You may also believe and trust in other things you can’t see with your eyes such as angels, spirit guides, and the presence of these beings around you. Even though you can’t see them, you trust that they are with you and guiding you throughout your life here on earth.
7. You’re Drawn To Information About ET’s, The Planets & Stars
If you’re drawn to information about planets, astrology, the stars, or extraterrestrials there’s a good chance that you are a starseed. You may be drawn to this information as a way of remembering where you came from.
When you are on earth, it isn’t so much about learning new things but it’s more about remembering. You know all about your lineage and the stars, etc. before you come to earth. Then when you cross over the veil, you forget everything (although your soul remembers). Starseeds jobs are to dig deep into their soul to remember that which they forgot and to remember their purpose here on earth.
If you find yourself digging up information about aliens, planets, and stars it is because you are trying to remember who you are. It is also a great way to reconnect to the energy of that which you temporarily left behind before you came to earth.
8. Starseeds Don’t Feel Like Earth Is Home
If you are a starseed you may not feel at home here on earth. You may have a longing to go back home even if you don’t know where that is.
Earth is a very dense planet and feeling homesick is because you miss the energy of your true home and all the people there.
Trust that you are absolutely here for a certain reason and there is no mistake that you incarnated on earth at this time. Have telepathic conversations with your starseed family and friends. They are helping you and guiding you along your journey here on earth. Trust that will see them again and be reunited with them.
It’s difficult for many starseeds and lightworkers because earth usually doesn’t feel right. But you are here helping humanity at this time and you chose to be here.
9. You Trust Your Intuition Over What The News / Media Tells You
Starseeds have a strong intuition and trust what it is telling them. If you find that your intuition always ends up being right or that you feel it quite strong, you are a starseed.
You always check in with your gut when you hear something from the news. You run it through your own filter instead of blindly trusting what the news or media says because they are supposed to be right.
A starseed is aware that they are a sovereign being and trust in themselves first and what feels right to them. They know that everything they see isn’t always true. They always check in with themselves to see if it feels right to them.
10. You Have A Deep Interest In Spirituality
If you find that you have a deep interest in spirituality and learning about spiritual concepts, then you are likely a starseed. Spirituality interests you because you know that spirituality can enhance your life and that metaphysical concepts have truth to them.
You are drawn to spirituality because it connects you to your soul and what it knows to be true (even if your conscious mind forgets.) You believe in things that you can’t see and things that don’t have evidence or proof. But you feel the truth of them in your soul.
11. Starseeds Connect With ‘Natural’ Things
Starseeds are often sensitive to chemicals and unnatural things and gravitate towards more natural things. So, you may find yourself eating more natural foods, being out in nature more, using more natural supplements, and being very aware of what you put in your body.
You have a deep understanding of how your body thrives from natural things vs. man-made, unnatural things. These things are often filled with harmful chemicals that suppress your natural state of being.
So, you may find yourself turning towards more natural products without even being completely aware of why you are doing it. It is because the vibration of the unnatural things are different than your vibration and as a starseed you can feel that.
You also probably feel very connected to nature and want to be outside a lot. This helps starseeds to recharge and bring them back to balance.
Conclusion – 11 Signs To Know If You Are a Starseed
Starseeds often feel like they don’t fit in and have felt this way for most of their life. This is because they are from a different star system and their soul remembers even if their conscious mind doesn’t.
If you have many of the signs above, you are here for a mission on earth at this time. As the planet ascends to 5D earth, your starseed mission will become more and more clear and you will begin to remember why you are here.
Embrace your uniqueness and the journey you are on (even though it can be very difficult at times.) Tune into your soul and your own intuition often as it remembers everything and is guiding you every step of the way.
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