Core Beliefs – 5 Ways To Change Them To Manifest What You Want
Your core beliefs attract what you are experiencing in your life. It can be frustrating trying to manifest something that you believe you should have.
But what if you don’t really believe you can have it? What if deep down inside your core beliefs are preventing this thing you want from manifesting?
You ALWAYS Manifest What Your Core Beliefs Are
You will never manifest anything that you don’t truly believe you can have. Manifestations are created through your belief system and if something isn’t manifesting for you then you need to check in with your core beliefs.
Do you really believe that you can be a millionaire? Do you really believe that you will meet the man or woman of your dreams? If you don’t then it won’t happen.
Your outside world always shows you what your core beliefs are. Whatever is happening on the inside of you is reflected in your outside world. You cannot attract something that you don’t believe is possible.
If you happen to attract something when you are in a high vibration and then it leaves your life, it is because your core beliefs won’t allow it to be in your life. You essentially reject the great thing that is being offered to you because you don’t believe you can have it.
How Do You Recognize the Core Beliefs You Have?
It might take some inner work to really figure out what core beliefs you have that are preventing you from receiving and keeping what you want. You can always try doing meditation and quieting your mind to figure out what is going on with you.
Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. Do you think things such as “I am not worthy of a loving relationship?” If you do then that might be one of your core beliefs. You really need to pay attention to the thoughts that creep up during different situations in your life.
When you think about food do you think “this food nourishes my body” or “this food will make me fat?” You might have a screwy core belief about food that you are carrying around. You could have picked it up from someone growing up because you are not born thinking that food will make you fat.
I actually found out one of my core beliefs from an intuitive. She told me that I was carrying around a belief that wasn’t even mine! It was passed down from someone in my family and I took it on as my own. That is why I was attracting this one thing in my life that wasn’t serving me and that I didn’t want.
If you can’t figure out what your core beliefs are that are preventing you from having what you want, I would recommend talking to a professional. They can put a different perspective on things that you might not be able to see. After all, if you could see it then you would have changed it by now.
A Common Core Belief Is That People Think They Aren’t Good Enough
If you believe that you aren’t good enough then you will keep attracting people and things to prove that to yourself.
So, if people keep leaving you and you think you aren’t good enough, you are attracting it as one of your core beliefs.
These people aren’t doing it to you. You are proving to yourself that you aren’t good enough, which comes from a belief you have.
This isn’t a bad thing, in fact, it is good. Because you are the one in control of this belief, you can change it. You don’t have to depend on anyone else to change it for you. The power is all yours.
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It Is Important to Change the Core Beliefs You Have That Aren’t Serving You
Changing the core beliefs that you have that aren’t serving you is a really important thing to do. Here’s why it is important – When you have a certain belief, it causes a certain behaviour from you. You may not even realize that this core belief is causing you to act a certain way. Or you may have no idea that you are acting in a way that isn’t beneficial to you.
What I mean by that is that your beliefs cause your actions. If you believe that you will never be in shape and will always have extra fat on your body, then that belief will cause you to eat poorly. Why? Because you think “what’s the point of trying, I will always be fat.”
Or if your core belief is that rich people are evil then you will never allow yourself to be rich because you don’t want to be evil.
As Bashar says “we always gravitate to that which we PERCEIVE causes us less pain than the alternative.” So, if you have a belief it is because you think it is better than the alternative and you believe it is serving you in some way. Deep down inside you believe it is better to be where you are than where you want to be.
How Do You Change the Core Beliefs You Have?
The first step is recognizing what your core beliefs are then you can start to change them.
1. Accept the Core Beliefs You Have
In order to change your core beliefs, you first need to accept that you have them. Even if you don’t know what the beliefs are, you have to accept that they are with you and a part of you and that it is ok.
If you don’t accept your core beliefs then you are essentially pushing against them and that is only going to give you more core beliefs that you don’t like. Law of Attraction will bring more to you. BUT by accepting and owning that you do indeed have this belief (even if you don’t like it), you release the resistance associated with it. You aren’t rejecting this part of you.
Accepting that you have a core belief that is preventing you from getting what you want is step #1.
2. Change the Behaviour Associated with Your Core Beliefs
In order to change your behaviour, you need to change your core beliefs BUT you can also start to change your beliefs by changing your behaviours. I’ll explain what I mean here.
If you have a certain belief, you act a certain way. This isn’t something you put much thought into, it is more of an autopilot thing. So, if you change your core belief then you will change the behaviours you do, maybe even without realizing it.
You can also deliberately change your behaviour and your beliefs will start to reflect it. What I mean by this is, let’s say you have a belief that you will never be in shape. So, you eat whatever you want and don’t workout because what’s the point? BUT if you start to workout and eat healthily you will start to BELIEVE that you are healthy and can be in shape. However, this action will require you to deliberately make a conscious effort to go out and be healthy. It doesn’t happen automatically for you – YET. But the more you do it, the more your core beliefs about your health will change and it will become automatic for you.
3. Pay Attention to Your Thoughts
Another way to change a core belief is to pay attention to your thoughts. What are the dominant thoughts you have about the things you want but can’t have? What story do you keep telling yourself about why you can’t have them?
Write down all the self-sabotaging thoughts you have about the core belief you are trying to change and replace these thoughts with positive ones. Read these affirmations to yourself for as long as it takes for you to believe them.
So, if you have a belief that it is difficult to make money, replace it with thoughts such as:
- I am abundant in all areas of my life
- It is easy to make money
- Money flows into my life easily
- Money helps me and other people in my life
- I deserve to be prosperous
- Money makes me feel joyful
*Don’t read this if you feel REALLY bad. They will only make you feel worse. But if you are in an ok place and just need some help on adjusting your mindset these will work great.
4. Visualize Yourself as Someone Who Has the NEW Core Beliefs You Are Seeking
How does a rich person act? Visualize yourself as being this rich person and acting a certain way. Really try to soak up the essence of what it is like to be this person.
By visualizing yourself as being this person, you will connect with the energy and bring it into your life.
5. Act in a Detached Way
Try approaching it in a detached way if that works better for you. So, just think about how would a rich person act and adapt some of those behaviours. This approach works better if you can feel resistance ‘acting as if’. Just think how would someone who has these things act and then slowly incorporate them into your life.
Detach from yourself being rich and just act like someone else who is rich. Does a rich person stress out when they get a bill? Probably not. Does a rich person stress when they look at their bank account? I doubt it.
That way you aren’t trying to be rich, just taking on a few different behaviours in a more detached way. Have some fun with it!
Bottom Line – Your Can Change Your Core Beliefs
Your core beliefs may be preventing you from getting what you want. Recognizing that you have them is the first step towards overcoming them. It is a good idea to seek help from someone else if you are having trouble doing this on your own. One thing I’ve learned in life is that we can’t do it all alone; we need other people.
You are able to change your core beliefs to get anything you want. Just because you have them, it doesn’t mean you are stuck with them forever. Some may be easier to change than others. But that is what this whole life thing is all about – learning and growing into the person you want to be.
(Pssst…this is totally something I teach more in-depth in my online course My Discovery Journal. If you are ready to transform your life, overcome your limiting beliefs and manifest what you want, I highly suggest you check it out here.)
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