13 Reasons Why You May Be Alone On Your Spiritual Journey
Being alone on your spiritual journey seems to be a common theme for many people. As someone who has also experienced this, I have found many reasons why this is so. Being alone can be a great gift, although I understand it can be difficult to see it that way. So, what are some of the reasons you are alone on your spiritual journey and how do you move forward more easily?
1. Being Alone on Your Spiritual Journey Causes You to Go Inwards for Answers
This is a big reason why you may be alone on your spiritual journey. Being alone basically forces you to go within. You don’t have access to friends or a romantic partner to ask questions to, so you have to figure things out on your own.
This is a wonderful thing! Because your truth may not be someone else’s truth.
You can figure out for yourself what rings true for you without outside distractions pulling you in different ways and trying to make you see it in a way that may not be authentic to you. You are in charge of what you learn and what resonates true for you.
Being alone is one of the best ways to search within yourself and figure out things. Empaths in particular have a difficult time trying to hear their own inner voice and feel their own emotions if they are constantly around someone because they will also be picking up on the other person’s emotions.
If you are alone, know that this is one of the best times to go inwards and find the answers you seek.
2. Being Alone on Your Spiritual Journey Shifts All Your Relationships
You are going to be a different person after a period of aloneness than if you didn’t have some time alone. This in turn affects all your relationships and how you interact with people. You may not notice too much because it is probably a gradual shift, but guaranteed you are showing up different in relationships after a time of being alone.
How will you be different and shift your relationships? Well, that is unique for everyone. Maybe you will value relationships more and therefore have much more harmonious ones. Maybe you will learn clear boundaries and therefore not put up with anyone mistreating you.
There are many ways that being alone can benefit how you show up in relationships. There will be some shift within you. You will look at relationships much differently after not having one for a while.
This goes for all types of relationships not just romantic ones. Your family relationships will shift as you shift, your relationships with co-workers, your friends, your partner, etc.
3. Being Alone on Your Spiritual Journey Enhances Your Connection with Spirit
When you are alone more, you have a greater chance of connecting with spirit. Since you are alone you may want to reach out to your helpers in the spiritual realm so that you have someone to talk to.
You may not be sure how to connect with others in the earthly life as much, so you turn to those in spirit for answers to receive that connection.
Also, when you are alone you can connect with those in the spiritual realm much easier because you don’t have any other noise around you and are able to more clearly communicate with them.
You also have more time to communicate with those in spirit when you are alone. You have to figure out things to occupy your free time and you are more likely to reach out to those helpers.
Also, it can be fun! It is super cool to be able to talk to those divine beings who exist in different dimensions and then see all the signs they give you. Their signs are not always obvious, big signs; they are usually subtle but very powerful.
4. Being Alone on Your Spiritual Journey Forces You to Become Independent
Being independent is a great gift. No one will ever be 100% independent as we all need people for something but it’s great to cultivate that skill as much as you can.
Being alone enables you to gain more independence so that you can do more things for yourself. You may be ‘forced’ to learn a new skill because you are alone and if you don’t do it, no one will. This can be great! You will learn skills that can help you for the rest of your life.
So, you may be alone as a way to teach you how to do something for yourself that later perhaps, you do for someone else. For example, the skill you learn you may decide to make into a business down the road. You never would have ever attempted that thing if you didn’t have to do it for yourself first. So, you were ‘forced’ to learn it and in the process, discovered you love doing it and are actually really good at it. Then you begin a business that involves that thing.
5. Being Alone on Your Spiritual Journey Allows You to Heal from Trauma from This Life & Past Lives
Sometimes it is up to us to heal ancestry trauma from decades before us. It sounds kind of crazy, why would we be healing someone else’s stuff? It is because it gets carried down through bloodlines and you chose to come into earth at a certain point to heal it.
This time on earth is very much focused on healing and ascension. This time is like no other, everything is being healed from this life and previous lives. You knew this life would be a huge healing one before you came down.
You may have forgotten that, but if you can trust that much is being healed in order to move you to where you want to go, then it speeds along the process. Things always move faster when there is no resistance in them.
When you are with someone, the healing process may take longer. So, you chose to be alone for a little while to get through the healing process faster so that you can move forward. You are doing this for all your ancestors as well as yourself.
You may also be healing from something that happened in your current life or a past life. Healing causes us to go within. It is much easier to do that when you are alone.
This doesn’t mean that you can’t heal when you are with someone, of course, you can. It just means that you may be able to heal all the past stuff faster and in the best way for you. Your higher self chooses how it wants to process things and some people are better doing it with others and other people doing it by themselves.
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6. Being Alone on Your Spiritual Journey Awakens You as a Lightworker in Your Ascension Process
Many lightworkers are coming out of the woodwork now in order to assist with our ascension process. What is a lightworker? It is basically someone who is here to carry and hold the light. Light is information. So, a lightworker brings forth information in order to help humanity.
Being alone, allows you to fulfill your purpose without getting distracted. You are here for a mission and sometimes part of that mission requires you to be alone in order to complete it.
Does that mean because you are a lightworker that you’ll be alone forever? Absolutely not. Many lightworkers have someone. It just means that some parts of your mission will require your full attention and that means being alone for a temporary period of time.
7. Being Alone on Your Spiritual Journey Allows You to Learn About Yourself First
When you are alone, you learn so much about yourself. You probably think “why do I need to learn about myself, don’t I already know myself?” But often we don’t know ourselves as much as we think we do. We almost need to re-learn who we are as a soul.
Life has a way of putting different ideas and beliefs in your head. When you are growing up, there are many different influences that shape your beliefs and your reality. Some of them are beneficial to you and others are not.
Being alone allows you to go over all the things you’ve learned and ask yourself “is this actually true for me, or is it someone else’s belief that isn’t serving me?” By doing this, you can let go of the things that are no longer serving you. Being alone gives you the time to do this.
Often when you are alone and you don’t want to be, you will go within for answers. It’s as though it feels like your only option and this is for a reason. It allows you to examine your beliefs and learn about yourself in a way to understand your journey here on earth. Being alone gives you that gift.
8. Being Alone on Your Spiritual Journey Sparks a Fire & Passion in You That Propels You Forward with Your Life’s Work
Sometimes when you are with someone, you have a passion for them and therefore not as much energy for your own passion. This isn’t always the case, but often your priorities are spread thinner.
Being alone allows you to jump into your life’s work full force and put all your passion into it. If your passion is 100% within your life’s work, then you’ll have to succeed.
So, maybe you are temporarily alone to discover your life’s work first in order to achieve that dream before meeting someone.
This is different for everyone. Really take a look and ask yourself “would I be as committed to my dream with someone by my side?” You may be. But you also may not be. It is individual for everyone.
9. Beings Alone on Your Spiritual Journey Opens Up Your Intuition & Spiritual Gifts
I can personally speak of this experience as an important one. I would not have dove into spirituality the way I have if I had someone. I have been alone a lot in my life and in my alone time, I spent a great deal of it working with my spiritual gifts.
You are more likely to hear your own intuition when you are alone and not distracted by anything outside of you. Spirituality can be developed at any time, but I’ve found that aloneness almost calls us to ask for something more. That’s where your spiritual gifts really open up.
Being alone really connects you to your spirit helpers and creates trust in your own intuition and gifts.
10. Being Alone on Your Spiritual Journey Teaches You Self-Love & Self-Confidence
When you are alone, you basically have to give love to yourself because you don’t have someone else to do it for you. This is the same as the confidence piece. You don’t have someone building you up and routing you on, so you have to build that within yourself.
This is powerful because when you can give those things to yourself, then you don’t need the outside world to validate you and tell you that you are lovable; you know you are. You’ve had to work on building up those things for yourself and you won’t be dependant on anyone else giving them to you.
The problem with having to depend solely on love and confidence from someone else is that they may not be around forever to give that to you. Or they may not always be that person for you because they are working on themselves. Basically, they aren’t a steady source.
But you are a steady source because you are with yourself forever. So, if you can give yourself those things then you will always have them.
11. Being Alone on Your Spiritual Journey Might Be Necessary to Get You to Where You Need to Go
You are here for a reason and being alone might be necessary to get you to that place. It might be because, in order to get you to where you need to go, you need to be alone. There can be many reasons for this.
One might just be that you won’t be as motivated to get there if you are with someone. Another might be because being alone will align you with your true soul’s purpose. Whatever, the reason you may need to be alone temporarily to get you to where you as a soul chose to go before you incarnated.
Your soul wants to fulfill its purpose and it knows the best way to get you there and who is best to come along for the ride.
12. Being Alone on Your Spiritual Journey Allows You to Drop Attachment to People & Things
We are born into this world with nothing but our bodies and soul and we leave with nothing but our soul. So, part of our journey is to not get too attached to material things, people, and things that we can’t let go of. We will have to let go of them at some point as this earth life is only a small journey in our experience as a soul.
Being alone makes this easier, to learn how to drop attachments to things and people in particular. I can speak from personal experience that I’ve had a lot of people leave me in this life and it felt so horrible. I wish I had learned how to let go of attachments sooner, it would have made the transitions much easier.
Some people will enter your life and stay forever. Others will only stay for the time that they are needed. Whether that is to teach you something or simply because they are currently on the same vibration as you.
So, it is part of life to change relationships with people (co-workers, friends, partners, etc.). Being able to drop attachments to those people is necessary to move on with life. Once you do, new people will enter to replace them. But you need to make room for the new people.
So, if you are holding onto the past then the new people won’t be able to enter until you let go. There simply isn’t room. Also, it won’t feel good to you or the other person to stay stuck in the past. So, we need to learn how to let go.
13. Being Alone on Your Spiritual Journey May Be a Blessing in Disguise
Ahhh, the good old Blessing in Disguise! I love blessings in disguise because they really build your trust in the universe. If you are able to trust that everything is happening for your highest good and that you may not know the full picture – yet, then there is never anything to worry about.
I have found that trusting that most things really are blessings in disguise is super powerful. It calms your mind and allows you to see the gift in the situation. There’s always a gift even though it may not seem like it at the time.
Perhaps being alone is a blessing in disguise for you? Maybe you need to be alone for this time in order to get you to where you need to go. Or maybe if you were with someone right now, they wouldn’t be your ideal partner because you have some work to do on yourself first.
The work you do on yourself BEFORE you meet someone prepares you for having the best relationship with your ideal partner. What you vibrate, you attract. So, if you can see the blessing as something that is preparing you to meet your partner and have an amazing relationship, then that is truly where the gift is.
Bottom Line: Why You’re Alone on Your Spiritual Journey
Sometimes your higher self wants you to be alone for certain reasons, it knows that you need to learn something. Whether that is to learn a new skill, enhance your connection with spirit or awaken; it is all for a reason.
If you are alone on your spiritual journey right now, just know that it won’t last forever (even though it feels like it). The world is constantly in motion and things are always changing. Sometimes they change much quicker than other times, but they always change. We never experience the exact same day twice in our lives.
Surrendering to the process of being alone on your spiritual journey will ensure that the reason for your aloneness can be experienced much quicker and smoother. This will move you forward much faster than resisting the process.
It is hard to see the reasons now but looking back you will be thankful you had the time to connect with your inner self and learn everything that you did.
Do all the things that your heart and soul are calling you to do while you are alone. Because you never know what or who tomorrow will bring and everything could change in the blink of an eye. You don’t want to be caught saying “I wish I had done that thing while I was alone.”
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Pure gold🙏🤚🔆
Thanks 🙏
A delightful, article to read. Every word with it’s poignant detail and emotion in the sentences. The sense of direction, flowed. A profound connection to humanity and those that are trying to reach, seek or find a higher self or meaning to life. Sometimes you need the work and words of others, to set you on your way. It is a daily practice of acceptance and letting go. I’m deeply grateful for this article. The time and effort. Thank you.