5D Earth – 15 Unique Signs You Are Living In 5D
You’ve likely heard of 5D earth but are questioning what it is. It is a fairly new concept that doesn’t get talked about much except within the spiritual community.
Why isn’t it talked about more? Because you are currently having a 3D experience and 3D is very limited. All the systems taught you the way it is, and the way life works. 3D is very rigid and doesn’t like change.
But what if there was information missing? What if there is so much more to this reality than you could ever imagine?
As you move into 4D you will begin to see the illusions you were taught fall away. You’ll see that not everything you learned in school is true. You will begin to question your reality.
4D is all about seeing into a new perception of what is possible and shedding some of the beliefs you have been taught from when you were little. 4D is about unlearning that which you’ve learned in order to get to a higher truth.
As you go through 4D and move into 5D your perception becomes much clearer. You have a new lens to see out of and things begin to make much more sense. You’ve probably felt at some level that information was missing, and you’ll discover more and more as you shift into 5D.
So, how do you know if you are moving closer to 5D? It might even feel like the opposite is happening, especially right now.
I can assure you that what is happening is to move you further from 3D and close to 5D earth. In this article, we go over 15 signs that you are indeed moving closer to 5D earth.
What Is 5D Earth?
5D earth is a different density of energy and completely new energy. Since 5D earth is different, the laws of physics work differently, and you can do things that you can’t in 3D.
These things include time travel, telekinesis, teleportation, telepathy, flying, walking through physical matter, and seeing beyond the veil.
I know these ideas may seem a bit far-fetched. But if matter moves differently in a different density, then why wouldn’t you be able to do these things? When energy moves differently then other options are available to you.
5D earth is a much more beautiful earth than 3D earth. The experiences you will have in new earth are much different than the experiences of 3D. You will continue to grow and evolve your soul but in a different way. It will be in a much more loving way and with less polarity.
This is the normal stage of evolution to move from certain experiences into new ones. Some people think this is far-fetched but just as we evolve, our experiences evolve with us.
What Does It Mean to Ascend To 5D Earth?
Currently, we are living in a 3D reality (3rd dimension) and are moving to a 5D earth. 3D is very dense, and it has a lot of heavy emotions. It has a lot of emotions that are lower on the emotional scale. You chose to experience all of this before you incarnated so you knew what we were getting into (as much as it may not always feel good).
4D is the bridge between 3D & 5D (5th dimension). It is where many realizations happen, and much unlearning happens as you begin to see more and more truth exposed. Right now, we are playing in 3D, 4D, and 5D and are not completely in one density.
The earth’s heartbeat which is measured through the Schumann resonance has been steadily increasing especially over this past year. This means that the energy on earth is changing to a higher vibration.
5D is a lot higher energy and it vibrates higher than 3D. Things vibrate a lot faster in 5D and you can manifest a lot faster. 5D doesn’t have any of those lower emotions like 3D does. 5D earth isn’t better than 3D earth, it is just a different experience.
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Ascension & Descension Cycles
Earth has ascension and descension cycles every 26,000 years. We are currently at the end of the 26,000-year dark descension cycle and are now moving into the ascension phase. We are moving into the golden age (as some people like to call it) and a completely new reality.
New higher vibrational 5D energy is being flooded onto the planet and we are all upgrading at different rates. Some people are pulling in this energy faster than others.
It is everyone’s free will choice as to how fast they want to ascend and how much energy their body can hold. It is a lot for the body to process, so it happens in stages. This is why you don’t just go to the fifth dimension today, it’s a very delicate process for the body and you are taking your physical body with you.
The Collapse of the Old Systems
However, before we are fully in 5D earth, there is a collapse of the old 3D system. They have to collapse so that they can be rebuilt with the new 5D energy. They can no longer exist the way there were because that old energy is no longer available.
What we are currently experiencing this collapse on earth in a major way right now. Think of it as a construction project, you have to tear down the old before you can build the new. It’s part of the process and there is nothing to fear. In fact, it is really good that it is being torn down. It means that we are that much closer to rebuilding the new!
The collapse will happen from many different systems including earth changes and humanity taking their power back from the corrupt systems that have been in place for thousands of years. Part of 4D is seeing these systems for what they are and how they have not benefitted humanity.
There will also be natural changes to the earth that are part of this collapse. Gaia is participating in this process and will choose which types of earth changes she wants to create.
These may be things that include all the elements such as air, fire, earth, and water. It can manifest as flooding, droughts, fires, earthquakes, volcanoes, and tornadoes. Gaia wants to help cleanse the earth from all the abuse she’s taken for so many years of pollution and poisoning of her body.
There is nothing to fear as your soul chose what you wanted to experience before you came here, and all is well and perfect.
The second part of the collapse is from humans who are waking up and seeing that everything they thought about the world may not be true. They are waking up to their true power and stepping into sovereignty. They realize the government and systems in place may not be working for the people but working for themselves to create money and power.
This will manifest as the systems in place collapsing. This includes the governments, financial systems, school systems, health care systems, food systems, and basically everything else that is no longer working.
Once again, this is all part of the process and there is nothing to fear. You are safe and it is all happening to create the beautiful new world that you are stepping into. These systems will be much better in the future and for the people, not against them.
As you get closer to 5D the old will no longer be available due to the energy it was created with. 5D energy is much different than 3D energy and the old literally cannot belong in 5D if it doesn’t match the energy of 5D.
Your Soul Chooses Your Ascension Experience Before You Incarnate
Your soul chooses before you incarnate whether you want to ascend in this lifetime to 5D or whether you want to stay and experience 3D earth. No choice is wrong, it is simply an experience that is best for your soul.
If you are reading this article, you most likely will be experiencing 5D earth as you wouldn’t be drawn to an article about this unless you were ready to experience it. It wouldn’t even be a part of your consciousness.
Gaia is Ascending to 5D Earth Also
I mentioned above that Gaia is ascending as well. This is important to understand because it helps you to see the whole picture of what is happening.
Gaia is just as much a soul as you or me. The same way you inhabit a physical body, Gaia does as well. Hers just looks different and is much bigger. The earth is her ‘physical body.’
When someone passes away their physical body is left to decay and all the processes stop in it. The same thing would happen if we ascended without having a soul to inhabit the land we are on. This is why Gaia is ascending as well to provide us with what we need.
If she didn’t come, then everything would stop growing and life would cease to exist on earth.
Ascension is different than death. In death, your soul leaves your body but with ascension, you take your physical body with you. Your body begins to change from carbon-based to crystalline.
The same is true of Gaia. She is coming and taking her physical body with her. Her body (earth) will also change to a much higher vibrational body.
What will this look like? I don’t know exactly. But I do know it will be beautiful and much nicer than the earth we have now.
I anticipate cleaner water, no pollution, more vibrant colors, different animals that are higher vibrational and thrive in 5D.
You will see different types of animals in 5D earth such as unicorns which are very high vibrational and cannot survive in 3D.
You will also be more connected to the elementals and different beings as you ascend closer to 5D. I imagine there will be animals that you’ve never ever heard of before there as well.
14 Signs You Are Living In 5D
1. Your Manifestations Are More Heart-Centered & Less Ego Centered
In 5D earth, your manifestations are more heart-centered. You drop your ego and any fear you have about not having enough or not being good enough.
Your manifestations and the things that you want are based more on your soul and how your soul wants to feel. You manifest more of what your soul wants to experience and less of what your ego thinks it wants to experience or have.
For example, instead of I need this car because I need people to respect me you focus on manifesting the car because you feel good in it and it’s safe and reliable. The former is more of a 3D thought and the ladder is a 5D thought. It is definitely OK to have these things, but it’s just where the intention is coming from is different. 5D is more heart-centered and more soul-centered.
Another example is in 5D earth you start a business to help other people whereas in 3D you start a business to see how much money you can get no matter how it benefits others.
It’s not wrong or bad to do that as we all need money to survive, and abundance is our birthright. But in 5D you won’t have the same worries about money because you trust you always have enough.
Therefore, you’ll be able to focus more on your heart-centered manifestations vs. doing them because you need to in order to survive.
As the financial system changes, it will be much easier to have your basic needs met and you won’t be as worried about making money.
2. You Stop Judging Yourself & Others In 5D Earth
You have less ego in 5D and only experience the higher emotions, so you don’t tap into the lower ones anymore. You came to earth to experience the lower emotions but now that time is coming to an end where they are no longer needed for your soul’s growth.
Your higher self doesn’t judge any emotion as good or bad. It sees it as neutral and as guidance to help you along your way. It’s our human minds that judge these emotions as well as ourselves and others.
In 5D you don’t judge others based on things such as race, religion, gender, beliefs, etc. You accept people for who they are and know that the differences make them unique and special. You also see this in yourself as well and don’t judge yourself for being different.
In 5D you know that we are all one and know that judging others is the same as judging yourself. You no longer have a need to do that.
So, if you notice that you are having more compassion for others and less judgment you are moving closer to 5D earth.
3. You Trust All Your Needs Are Met (Even If You Don’t Know How)
5D earth is all about trusting and knowing that you’re always supported. You know that the world is safe and that everything that you need will be here when you need it.
You can manifest anything you want and you trust in yourself and your spirit guides. In 5D you know and trust that everything is going to be OK and all your needs will be met even if you can’t see how yet.
4. You Understand Everything Is Energy
In 5D you understand that everything is energy vibrating at a different rate. So, your hand is vibrating at a different rate than your computer which is why they are recognized as 2 different things. Everything is energy. It cannot be created or destroyed but you can change that energy.
Once you get to 5D you’ll be able to manifest anything you want in front of you almost instantaneously (eventually). It will take some time for instant manifestations, but they will continue to speed up as you move more into 5D.
5. You Manifest Much Quicker In 5D Earth
You will notice that your manifestations are much quicker as you move closer to 5D. If you are manifesting a lot quicker, it’s because you are closer to 5D earth. This is where the magic happens.
Have you ever noticed that when you feel really good it’s easy to manifest and everything starts happening for you really fast?
This is because you are tapped into the higher vibrational 5D energy. Things are vibrating faster and therefore you are manifesting faster.
If you’ve noticed that your manifestations are sped up, then you are moving closer to 5D earth.
6. You Are Eating Lighter
Once you are fully in 5D you won’t have a need for food as you will have a light body vs. the carbon body that you now have.
Your body is gradually shifting from a dense carbon-based one to a lighter crystalline one. This is a gradual process that takes much time. If it happened all at once, then your body wouldn’t be able to handle it.
So, you’ve been receiving energy waves that have been helping to transform and upgrade your body ever since you were born. In these new bodies, there will be no disease or pain and they will feel much different than your carbon body.
Once you are fully in 5D you will be able to survive through sunlight alone. I actually heard of this one guy in a book I read that hasn’t eaten food in two years. He sounds like he’s experiencing a 5D reality to me.
If you raise your consciousness and as your body transforms to crystalline at some point you won’t need food to survive. I think certain people are already doing this.
If you notice that you’re eating lighter, and you feel like putting fewer heavy things in your body that is a good indication that you’re moving more into 5D earth. You may notice that your body is not able to handle as many heavy dense foods and it is craving lighter more natural foods.
7. You’ve Started to Eliminate Toxins
As you move more into 5D earth you will start to eliminate toxic things in your life. Whether that’s toxic people, toxic substances, or toxic thoughts. You can no longer handle this type of energy inside of you as it is no longer a match to your vibration, so it leaves your reality.
In 5D you really don’t have room for any of these toxic things anymore. This may be toxic people, lower vibrational emotions, substances such as alcohol, or toxic food such as highly processed food.
Whatever it is you begin to eliminate it as it doesn’t feel good to you anymore and you can no longer tolerate the dense energy.
Toxic emotions can’t even stay in your experience anymore because you’ve upgraded so much, and those emotions don’t exist in 5D. So, you can’t even hang on to them anymore. If you experience this, it’s a very good indication that you are moving closer to 5D earth.
8. When You Are In 5D Earth You Feel a Deep Need to Connect with Nature
If you feel a deep need to connect with nature you are moving into 5D earth. You may want to get outside more and ground yourself to the earth and really feel the energy of Gaia.
You may even find yourself wanting to leave the city and get out into the country or perhaps move to a smaller area.
The craziness of everything in the city and of being indoors just isn’t working anymore and you really want to be outside and connect to the earth and everything it has to offer.
9. You Feel a Oneness
As you ascend higher into 5D you feel a oneness with everyone and everything in the world. 3D is very much about separation and 5D is very much about oneness.
You will begin to feel like you’re connected to people more. You’ll also feel connected to the earth, the trees, the sky, and animals. You feel that there is truly no separation.
10. You Have More Vivid or Lucid Dreams In 5D Earth
When you are moving more into 5D you may notice that you are having more vivid dreams and even possibly lucid dreams. You may be remembering your dreams a lot more and they contain much more detail than before.
Your dreams are very much connected to your clairvoyance intuitive ability. Clairvoyance essentially means clear seeing. So, if you are having vivid dreams that may be an indication that your clairvoyance is starting to really strengthen as you ascend higher into 5D earth.
If you notice a change in your dreams, then you are moving more into 5D. It is a good idea to write them down as many of them contain messages for you.
11. Your Psychic Abilities Are Enhanced In 5D Earth
Your psychic/intuitive abilities are enhanced as you ascend. Part of ascension is turning on your gifts and intuitive senses.
So, you may notice you’re having more psychic experiences in whichever form they show up in. You may be able to connect to your intuition a lot easier, hear things that you never used to, experience more telepathy, and see things such as energy (auras) or spirit guides.
Basically, your psychic abilities are enhanced and they continue to grow as you move more into 5D.
12. Your Old Life Is Collapsing
As you shift your energy from 3D to 5D you may feel like your old life is collapsing. As you take in more 5D light energy your 3D experiences will start to shift.
Certain people and things will go away as you shift, and it may feel like your life is falling apart. I know this can be difficult, but understand it truly is for the best. When you come out on the other side you will be thankful for having the life you now have.
You’ll realize how your old life no longer serves you and how much better you feel in this new life and new energy.
When you are in the middle of it you may think, why is my life falling apart and shifting so much when I’m doing all this inner work?
Isn’t it supposed to get better?
If I’m raising my vibration, then I should feel better, and things should be going better.
Trust that it is part of the process to move you from 3D to 5D. Just like a construction project tears everything down before it’s rebuilt, the same thing happens to your life. It’s crumbling in order to be rebuilt into something much more beautiful and more of what you want.
13. You Feel Really Bad
This one seems like the opposite of ascension but it’s part of the process. At times you may feel really bad as you shift to 5D earth.
Of course, you won’t feel this all the time. But you may go through periods of feeling really down. This is because you are purging all the lower emotions that are contained in your body and mind.
These emotions may have come from this lifetime or previous incarnations. They may not even be your ‘stuff.’
Along the way you may have picked up on other people’s beliefs and emotions (which is something empaths tend to do) that aren’t even yours. Now is the time to let go of them as you move into 5D earth.
In order to move to a different higher emotional state, you need to feel those old emotions that are still hanging on. This is how you release them, by feeling them and letting them come up to the surface, and sending them to the light.
While you are doing this it probably won’t feel good. But once you recognize that it is only here to be released then it makes the process so much easier.
So, if you’ve been doing the work and working on raising your vibration and healing yourself and you all of a sudden feel really bad this is probably why.
Acknowledge the process and thank it for now finally moving out of you. Imagine it is being released out of you and sent to the light to be healed. Imagine letting go of everything that no longer serves you.
14. People Are Drawn to You More
As you raise your vibration and move closer to 5D earth, people, animals, and children will be drawn to you more. Animals and children are very high vibrational so if you are ascending to 5D they are closer to your frequency and drawn to you more.
People will also be more drawn to you because you are now more easily able to help them.
Maybe you just went through something and overcame it, and they are drawn to you for that reason. Or your energy is more magnetic as you move to 5D which attracts people to you.
15. You Experience Synchronicities
If you notice that you are experiencing more synchronistic events, it is because you are moving closer to 5D earth.
A synchronicity is something that seems like a coincidence because it happens almost magically. But there aren’t any coincidences in life.
Your life is created from many things including what you are manifesting, your soul’s blueprint, your emotions, your thoughts, your feelings, and your free will.
Coincidences don’t occur (at least I don’t think so.) If something seems like a coincidence it is a synchronicity.
A few examples of synchronicities are:
- Seeing repeating numbers
- Running into a friend in the grocery store by ‘accident’
- Being very close to being in an accident but because you were delayed by one minute you avoided it
- Turning on the radio to get the exact message you need
- Thinking of someone and then they contact you very shortly after
- Meeting the exact right person at the exact right time
If you are experiencing more synchronistic events, then you are getting closer to 5D. You will notice these events become more normal and occur much more often as you move into 5D.
How Do I Know This to be True?
No one knows anything for certain. Just like you, I also question things and am trying to understand reality and where we are going.
I feel with my intuitive senses this information is correct for this time. It may change in the future, but it feels right for where we are now.
I also take in other spiritual teachers’ information and see what feels right to me. I receive a lot of information in my dream states and translate it the best I can into the physical world. I also channel information from my spirit guides which I find to be very helpful.
Take what resonates and disregard the rest. Always listen to your own intuition first and foremost.
I find many spiritual teachers have different pieces to the puzzle and as we share this information it helps us to see the whole picture.
I also know that we all create our own reality and therefore will all have different experiences.
You will likely have a different experience than me or at least perceive it differently and that’s ok.
I believe that there’s no one thing that will happen but that as we all go along, we create our reality the way we want to experience it.
Conclusion: Signs You Are Living In 5D Earth
Shifting to 5D can be like a roller coaster where you feel amazing one moment and very sad the next. Trust that whatever is happening is ultimately happening for your highest good.
Sometimes it can look like one thing is happening on the outside but turn out to be something completely different than what you thought when it fully manifests.
Connect with your intuition and trust in its guidance. If something feels right and true, that is your soul telling you it is right for you.
While you may temporarily feel bad if you are purging all that no longer serves you, remember that it is getting rid of the old to make room for the new higher vibrational energy. Enjoy the process and the higher energies because once the old, stagnant energy shifts you’ll feel great in this new 5D energy.
Each upgrade will feel different, and you’ll notice how much you are changing. One upgrade may feel like bliss and the other like you are dying. In a sense, you are because your ego and old self is dying to make room for your new 5D self.
Once you begin to change from the inside then your outside world will also change into one that you want and love. Everything is energy and you are creating your world from the inside out.
Watch the video below:
Hi Meghan,
I am so glad I found your page. You have just managed to answer questions have had for a really long time. I have been doubting the whole ascension process lately and it sometimes feels like a punishment but after reading your article I have got so many profound insights into the whole process. You have a beautiful voice and continue to shine on
I’m happy it helped you
Yes, it can be a messy process at times and it’s normal to doubt it. There are many ups and downs and it can be confusing at times. Right now many of us are in the ‘shedding’ phase where we are letting go of the old which can be very uncomfortable. However, once we move through this, much better things await us. I’m happy you are here
Thank you for your kind words and support!
Hi Meghan, yes I can relate to so much of this now. One thing I find truly nerve racking though is how quickly each day skips by. A day no way feels the length it used to feel by memory and finding time for things is harder. Any advice you can share on this please?
Yes absolutely! Time is speeding up (or at least it feels that way as we move up our consciousness.)
My advice is to try and stay in the present moment as much as you can. Anytime you feel yourself thinking ahead or about the past, bring your awareness back to the present. This will help you to be more efficient in the task that you are presently doing.
Also, make sure that you do the things that are the highest priority first and be ok if the lower priority things don’t get done. So, essentially give yourself room to breath and take things slower while being compassionate with yourself if you aren’t able to get everything done that you want to. This energy will help things to flow smoother and allow the universe to help you out with those things as well.
I hope that helps!
Thank you Meg. To be truthful, even with a mixture of white and lavender in my aura, I am not enjoying the pace of this change especially the days and months slipping by. I see very little joy in a fast paced world and those who feel that ascension is all beautiful and glorious…I sincerely question that.
I understand. I hope the pace stabilizes out for you. I’ve found meditation and breathwork to be helpful in slowing things down as well.
I agree, ascension can be quite difficult. I do believe it will be beautiful and glorious at one point but getting there can be challenging.
Have a great day.
Thank you for this Meghan, your words have put everything in perspective for me. I am so grateful for the work that souls such as yourself create. That was a beautiful read!
I’m glad it was helpful for you Amy! Thank you for your kind words
I really appreciated this article you wrote. I was just telling my Guides that I needed some help with ascension confusion, issues, etc, and I found your article on Pinterest the same evening. Your words hit the mark and I feel more steady! I have also subscribed to your YouTube channel, and I look forward to hearing more from you!
I’m so glad you found it helpful Christine
Thanks for subscribing! Let me know if there are any specific topics that you’d like me to cover more in a video or article.