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  1. Hi Meghan,
    I am so glad I found your page. You have just managed to answer questions have had for a really long time. I have been doubting the whole ascension process lately and it sometimes feels like a punishment but after reading your article I have got so many profound insights into the whole process. You have a beautiful voice and continue to shine on ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. I’m happy it helped you ๐Ÿ™Yes, it can be a messy process at times and it’s normal to doubt it. There are many ups and downs and it can be confusing at times. Right now many of us are in the ‘shedding’ phase where we are letting go of the old which can be very uncomfortable. However, once we move through this, much better things await us. I’m happy you are here ๐Ÿ˜€ Thank you for your kind words and support!

  2. Hi Meghan, yes I can relate to so much of this now. One thing I find truly nerve racking though is how quickly each day skips by. A day no way feels the length it used to feel by memory and finding time for things is harder. Any advice you can share on this please? ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

    1. Yes absolutely! Time is speeding up (or at least it feels that way as we move up our consciousness.)

      My advice is to try and stay in the present moment as much as you can. Anytime you feel yourself thinking ahead or about the past, bring your awareness back to the present. This will help you to be more efficient in the task that you are presently doing.

      Also, make sure that you do the things that are the highest priority first and be ok if the lower priority things don’t get done. So, essentially give yourself room to breath and take things slower while being compassionate with yourself if you aren’t able to get everything done that you want to. This energy will help things to flow smoother and allow the universe to help you out with those things as well.

      I hope that helps!

      1. Thank you Meg. To be truthful, even with a mixture of white and lavender in my aura, I am not enjoying the pace of this change especially the days and months slipping by. I see very little joy in a fast paced world and those who feel that ascension is all beautiful and glorious…I sincerely question that.

        1. I understand. I hope the pace stabilizes out for you. I’ve found meditation and breathwork to be helpful in slowing things down as well.

          I agree, ascension can be quite difficult. I do believe it will be beautiful and glorious at one point but getting there can be challenging.

          Have a great day.

  3. Thank you for this Meghan, your words have put everything in perspective for me. I am so grateful for the work that souls such as yourself create. That was a beautiful read!

  4. I really appreciated this article you wrote. I was just telling my Guides that I needed some help with ascension confusion, issues, etc, and I found your article on Pinterest the same evening. Your words hit the mark and I feel more steady! I have also subscribed to your YouTube channel, and I look forward to hearing more from you!

    1. I’m so glad you found it helpful Christine ๐Ÿ™Thanks for subscribing! Let me know if there are any specific topics that you’d like me to cover more in a video or article.

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